OK: Found an XML parser.
OK: Support for GZIP encoding.
OK: Support for character munging.

Notice: MagpieRSS [debug] Returning STALE object for http://feeds.feedburner.com/movs/XZxB in /home/itf-08/it-force.jp/public_html/rss/magpie/rss_fetch.inc on line 243

Example Output

Channel: Best Movies


Parsed Results (var_dump'ed)

object(MagpieRSS)#2 (23) {
  array(0) {
  array(10) {
    array(11) {
      string(145) "Quién es Amber Heard, la actriz y activista que se enfrenta a su exesposo Johnny Depp en un millonario juicio por difamación – BBC News Mundo"
      string(186) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/healthandscience/quien-es-amber-heard-la-actriz-y-activista-que-se-enfrenta-a-su-exesposo-johnny-depp-en-un-millonario-juicio-por-difamacion-bbc-news-mundo/"
      array(1) {
        string(15) "Pauline Moonlky"
      string(31) "Fri, 29 Apr 2022 04:25:47 +0000"
      string(117) "Health And ScienceactivistaactrizAmberBBCDeppdifamaciónenfrentaexesposoheardJohnnyjuiciomillonarioMundoNewsporQuién"
      string(39) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/?p=119926"
      string(873) "Redacción BBC News Mundo 4 horas Fuente de la imagen, Getty Images Pie de foto, Johnny Depp y Amber Heard estuvieron casados poco más de un año. Un juicio millonario con protagonistas famosos acapara la atención de la prensa y el público por estos días. El actor de Hollywood Johnny Depp y su exesposa, la ... Read more"
      array(1) {
        string(32503) "
  • Redacción
  • BBC News Mundo

Fuente de la imagen, Getty Images

Pie de foto,

Johnny Depp y Amber Heard estuvieron casados poco más de un año.

Un juicio millonario con protagonistas famosos acapara la atención de la prensa y el público por estos días.

El actor de Hollywood Johnny Depp y su exesposa, la actriz Amber Heard, se enfrentan en un pleito que incluye acusaciones mutuas de abuso, violencia y demandas que suman US$150 millones.

Johnny Depp es conocido por personajes como Jack Sparrow en “Piratas del Caribe” y Eduardo en Edward Scissorhands (“El joven manos de tijera” o “Eduardo Manostijera”)), por nombrar algunos.

Tuvo en el pasado problemas con las drogas y el alcohol, dificultades que él mismo admitió durante el juicio que se lleva adelante en una corte en Virginia, Estados Unidos.

We would love to thank the author of this post for this incredible content

Quién es Amber Heard, la actriz y activista que se enfrenta a su exesposo Johnny Depp en un millonario juicio por difamación – BBC News Mundo

" } ["summary"]=> string(873) "Redacción BBC News Mundo 4 horas Fuente de la imagen, Getty Images Pie de foto, Johnny Depp y Amber Heard estuvieron casados poco más de un año. Un juicio millonario con protagonistas famosos acapara la atención de la prensa y el público por estos días. El actor de Hollywood Johnny Depp y su exesposa, la ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(32503) "
  • Redacción
  • BBC News Mundo

Fuente de la imagen, Getty Images

Pie de foto,

Johnny Depp y Amber Heard estuvieron casados poco más de un año.

Un juicio millonario con protagonistas famosos acapara la atención de la prensa y el público por estos días.

El actor de Hollywood Johnny Depp y su exesposa, la actriz Amber Heard, se enfrentan en un pleito que incluye acusaciones mutuas de abuso, violencia y demandas que suman US$150 millones.

Johnny Depp es conocido por personajes como Jack Sparrow en “Piratas del Caribe” y Eduardo en Edward Scissorhands (“El joven manos de tijera” o “Eduardo Manostijera”)), por nombrar algunos.

Tuvo en el pasado problemas con las drogas y el alcohol, dificultades que él mismo admitió durante el juicio que se lleva adelante en una corte en Virginia, Estados Unidos.

We would love to thank the author of this post for this incredible content

Quién es Amber Heard, la actriz y activista que se enfrenta a su exesposo Johnny Depp en un millonario juicio por difamación – BBC News Mundo

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1651206347) } [1]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(112) "Avatar quiso revolucionar el videojuego en PC con una tecnología imposible hace 13 años que ya pocos recuerdan" ["link"]=> string(158) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/healthandscience/avatar-quiso-revolucionar-el-videojuego-en-pc-con-una-tecnologia-imposible-hace-13-anos-que-ya-pocos-recuerdan/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(12) "Paula Hooper" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Fri, 29 Apr 2022 04:04:20 +0000" ["category"]=> string(97) "Health And ScienceañosAvatarhaceimposiblepocosquisorecuerdanrevolucionartecnologíaunavideojuego" ["guid"]=> string(39) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/?p=119920" ["description"]=> string(818) "¡Ah, los videojuegos basados en películas! Casi podríamos decir que fue un género en sí mismo con numerosas adaptaciones aquí y allá. Muy pocas películas se salvaban de tener su equivalente en el videojuego. El Señor de los Anillos, El Rey Arturo, King Kong con su DRM potencialmente peligroso… Todo franquicias taquilleras que querían llamar ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(13954) "

¡Ah, los videojuegos basados en películas! Casi podríamos decir que fue un género en sí mismo con numerosas adaptaciones aquí y allá. Muy pocas películas se salvaban de tener su equivalente en el videojuego. El Señor de los Anillos, El Rey Arturo, King Kong con su DRM potencialmente peligroso… Todo franquicias taquilleras que querían llamar la atención de los más pequeños con versiones interactivas, en ocasiones calcos 1:1 de lo visto en la gran pantalla.

Avatar, la última gran ciencia ficción de los 2000 no se iba a perder este fenómeno. Ubisoft quería volver a poner toda la carne en el asador y replicar lo aprendido gracias al simio gigante de Peter Jackson. Así pues, en 2007 decidieron dar luz verde a un videojuego basado en la licencia de James Cameron —que debía llegar a las tiendas una semana antes que la película—, con participación del canadiense, Yannis Mallat (cabeza visible de Ubisoft Montreal y productor de Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones o Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots) un presupuesto millonario y una aventura tangencial a la vista en el cine.

De hecho, la intención de la compañía gala era emular en cierta manera a Enter the Matrix, el gran proyecto de las Hermanas Wachowski para conectar Matrix y Matrix: Reloaded con un universo interactivo propio alejado del cine, pero con la película como referente.  Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodríguez y Stephen Lang repitieron sus papeles en el videojuego; Cameron estuvo involucrado desde 2007 en él; y el motor Dunia Engine desarrollado por Crytek y Ubisoft, que ha firmado juegos como Far Cry 6, buscó replicar el mismo despliegue visual portentoso de 20th Century Fox para la cinta.

Ubisoft parecía tener claro el futuro éxito de un juego que se concibió como lo mayor que habían hecho los galos hasta la fecha, tanto es así que adquirieron Hybride Technologies como estudio de colaboración. Hybride trabajó en Sin City de Robert Rodriguez y 300 de Zack Snyder. De hecho, Yves Guillemot quiso competir con Weta Digital —a quien debemos los efectos de El Señor de los Anillos o la más reciente Liga de la Justicia de Zack Snyder— y Mallat acompañó esto declarando que “este es el proyecto más avanzado de toda la estrategia que está impulsando Ubisoft”.

Avatar The Game

El equipo de Ubisoft Montreal tuvo 2 años para un proyecto masivo y secreto. El secretismo era tal que el propio Mallat destacó que llegó a parecer un búnker más que un estudio de desarrollo. Avatar se presentó ese mismo 2009 con un primer tráiler, por lo que para evitar las filtraciones, Ubisoft trabajó en ordenadores sin conexión a Internet ni puertos USB. El contacto entre Cameron y el estudio se llevó a cabo por Patrick Naud, el productor ejecutivo, con una conexión directa sin intermediarios para evitar “chafar la sorpresa”. Todo era sinónimo de épico, masivo y esperanzador.

“Pandora es hermosa y mortal. Cuando te la presentan por primera vez en el juego, la parte mortal es lo que ves y luego, a medida que profundizas, la belleza comienza a desarrollarse y te das cuenta de que es un paraíso. Es realmente el Jardín del Edén”.

Para colmo, el juego no satisfizo a la prensa e incluso la versión para PC consiguió menos nota que sus hermanas en diferentes consolas

James Cameron y Jon Landau —cercano al director y productor de Titanic o la propia Avatar— firmaron muchos de los behind the scenes con frases que podéis leer sobre estas líneas y que recogió el medio Empire, aunque actualmente es difícil encontrar vestigios de aquello. ¿Por qué? Un juego desarrollado desde cero por una Ubisoft pletórica tras Assassin’s Creed y Assassin’s Creed 2, con Cameron al mando… ¿cómo pudo caer en el olvido? Lo cierto es que la fe mueve montañas, pero la tecnología no estaba al alcance de todos los jugadores, o por lo menos no supo satisfacer lo que el jugador de hace 13 años quería y podía permitirse.

Nvidia 3d Avatar Juego Game

Además, teníamos que hacernos con el kit de NVIDIA que incluían gafas y un sensor de infrarrojos que se conectaba a la televisión

El equipo de Ubisoft trabajó codo con codo con NVIDIA para sacar adelante NVIDIA 3D Vision, un software para las tarjetas gráficas de la firma datado de 1991 y que fue mejorado para conseguir un formato 3D casi imposible para aquella época. Este fue el inicio del fallido experimento del 3D en el videojuego. El formato estereoscópico acompañó a lanzamientos como Uncharted 2, Resident Evil 5 e incluso World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, pero su base de jugadores, el público interesado en ver los gigantescos bíceps de Chris Redfield en 3D, era casi nula.

Esta fue la primera piedra en el camino, la primera de muchas. La experiencia de Avatar era prohibitiva, no solo se topó con la reticencia de los jugadores que entendían el 3D como algo exclusivo del cine —y del cine palomitero de puro espectáculo—, sino que el hardware no estaba preparado para aquello. Ubisoft y 20th Century Studios pecaron de ingenuos. Para exprimir el juego en 3D necesitabas una GeForce GTX 295, una GPU de algo menos de 2 GB de VRAM DDR3 que salió al mercado en 2009 por unos 500 dólares. Asimismo, era obligatorio tener un monitor compatible con el 3D, conexiones HDMI y nada menos que un panel de 120 Hz.

El estándar de tasa de refresco actual sigue siendo de 60 HZ en la mayoría de dispositivos. Muy pocos jugadores superan incluso los 120 HZ 13 años después, por lo que en 2009 hablamos de algo impensable. Lo que hoy consideramos como estándar, el HDMI por ejemplo, era algo muy limitado por aquel entonces. En PC lo más común era ver conexiones DVI mientras que en consolas se estableció el HDMI con la PS3 y Xbox 360 Core solo dos años antes, lo que hizo llamar la atención de los jugadores a las consolas en lugar de al PC. El fracaso estaba asegurado.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora confirma compatibilidad con trazado de rayos y mejoras para el motor Snowdrop

La tecnología la tenían, pero no era el momento. Avatar vendió aproximadamente 2,7 millones de copias para mayo de 2010. Buenas cifras que vinieron del boom del cine, pero que no se quedaron por una tecnología casi inexistente por aquel entonces. El medio estadounidense Wired destacó el mismo día de su lanzamiento que el juego de Avatar “señala el camino hacia el futuro de los juegos de películas” —una afirmación algo hilarante ya que el género de “juegos de películas” murió poco después—.

We would love to say thanks to the writer of this article for this remarkable content

Avatar quiso revolucionar el videojuego en PC con una tecnología imposible hace 13 años que ya pocos recuerdan

" } ["summary"]=> string(818) "¡Ah, los videojuegos basados en películas! Casi podríamos decir que fue un género en sí mismo con numerosas adaptaciones aquí y allá. Muy pocas películas se salvaban de tener su equivalente en el videojuego. El Señor de los Anillos, El Rey Arturo, King Kong con su DRM potencialmente peligroso… Todo franquicias taquilleras que querían llamar ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(13954) "

¡Ah, los videojuegos basados en películas! Casi podríamos decir que fue un género en sí mismo con numerosas adaptaciones aquí y allá. Muy pocas películas se salvaban de tener su equivalente en el videojuego. El Señor de los Anillos, El Rey Arturo, King Kong con su DRM potencialmente peligroso… Todo franquicias taquilleras que querían llamar la atención de los más pequeños con versiones interactivas, en ocasiones calcos 1:1 de lo visto en la gran pantalla.

Avatar, la última gran ciencia ficción de los 2000 no se iba a perder este fenómeno. Ubisoft quería volver a poner toda la carne en el asador y replicar lo aprendido gracias al simio gigante de Peter Jackson. Así pues, en 2007 decidieron dar luz verde a un videojuego basado en la licencia de James Cameron —que debía llegar a las tiendas una semana antes que la película—, con participación del canadiense, Yannis Mallat (cabeza visible de Ubisoft Montreal y productor de Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones o Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots) un presupuesto millonario y una aventura tangencial a la vista en el cine.

De hecho, la intención de la compañía gala era emular en cierta manera a Enter the Matrix, el gran proyecto de las Hermanas Wachowski para conectar Matrix y Matrix: Reloaded con un universo interactivo propio alejado del cine, pero con la película como referente.  Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodríguez y Stephen Lang repitieron sus papeles en el videojuego; Cameron estuvo involucrado desde 2007 en él; y el motor Dunia Engine desarrollado por Crytek y Ubisoft, que ha firmado juegos como Far Cry 6, buscó replicar el mismo despliegue visual portentoso de 20th Century Fox para la cinta.

Ubisoft parecía tener claro el futuro éxito de un juego que se concibió como lo mayor que habían hecho los galos hasta la fecha, tanto es así que adquirieron Hybride Technologies como estudio de colaboración. Hybride trabajó en Sin City de Robert Rodriguez y 300 de Zack Snyder. De hecho, Yves Guillemot quiso competir con Weta Digital —a quien debemos los efectos de El Señor de los Anillos o la más reciente Liga de la Justicia de Zack Snyder— y Mallat acompañó esto declarando que “este es el proyecto más avanzado de toda la estrategia que está impulsando Ubisoft”.

Avatar The Game

El equipo de Ubisoft Montreal tuvo 2 años para un proyecto masivo y secreto. El secretismo era tal que el propio Mallat destacó que llegó a parecer un búnker más que un estudio de desarrollo. Avatar se presentó ese mismo 2009 con un primer tráiler, por lo que para evitar las filtraciones, Ubisoft trabajó en ordenadores sin conexión a Internet ni puertos USB. El contacto entre Cameron y el estudio se llevó a cabo por Patrick Naud, el productor ejecutivo, con una conexión directa sin intermediarios para evitar “chafar la sorpresa”. Todo era sinónimo de épico, masivo y esperanzador.

“Pandora es hermosa y mortal. Cuando te la presentan por primera vez en el juego, la parte mortal es lo que ves y luego, a medida que profundizas, la belleza comienza a desarrollarse y te das cuenta de que es un paraíso. Es realmente el Jardín del Edén”.

Para colmo, el juego no satisfizo a la prensa e incluso la versión para PC consiguió menos nota que sus hermanas en diferentes consolas

James Cameron y Jon Landau —cercano al director y productor de Titanic o la propia Avatar— firmaron muchos de los behind the scenes con frases que podéis leer sobre estas líneas y que recogió el medio Empire, aunque actualmente es difícil encontrar vestigios de aquello. ¿Por qué? Un juego desarrollado desde cero por una Ubisoft pletórica tras Assassin’s Creed y Assassin’s Creed 2, con Cameron al mando… ¿cómo pudo caer en el olvido? Lo cierto es que la fe mueve montañas, pero la tecnología no estaba al alcance de todos los jugadores, o por lo menos no supo satisfacer lo que el jugador de hace 13 años quería y podía permitirse.

Nvidia 3d Avatar Juego Game

Además, teníamos que hacernos con el kit de NVIDIA que incluían gafas y un sensor de infrarrojos que se conectaba a la televisión

El equipo de Ubisoft trabajó codo con codo con NVIDIA para sacar adelante NVIDIA 3D Vision, un software para las tarjetas gráficas de la firma datado de 1991 y que fue mejorado para conseguir un formato 3D casi imposible para aquella época. Este fue el inicio del fallido experimento del 3D en el videojuego. El formato estereoscópico acompañó a lanzamientos como Uncharted 2, Resident Evil 5 e incluso World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, pero su base de jugadores, el público interesado en ver los gigantescos bíceps de Chris Redfield en 3D, era casi nula.

Esta fue la primera piedra en el camino, la primera de muchas. La experiencia de Avatar era prohibitiva, no solo se topó con la reticencia de los jugadores que entendían el 3D como algo exclusivo del cine —y del cine palomitero de puro espectáculo—, sino que el hardware no estaba preparado para aquello. Ubisoft y 20th Century Studios pecaron de ingenuos. Para exprimir el juego en 3D necesitabas una GeForce GTX 295, una GPU de algo menos de 2 GB de VRAM DDR3 que salió al mercado en 2009 por unos 500 dólares. Asimismo, era obligatorio tener un monitor compatible con el 3D, conexiones HDMI y nada menos que un panel de 120 Hz.

El estándar de tasa de refresco actual sigue siendo de 60 HZ en la mayoría de dispositivos. Muy pocos jugadores superan incluso los 120 HZ 13 años después, por lo que en 2009 hablamos de algo impensable. Lo que hoy consideramos como estándar, el HDMI por ejemplo, era algo muy limitado por aquel entonces. En PC lo más común era ver conexiones DVI mientras que en consolas se estableció el HDMI con la PS3 y Xbox 360 Core solo dos años antes, lo que hizo llamar la atención de los jugadores a las consolas en lugar de al PC. El fracaso estaba asegurado.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora confirma compatibilidad con trazado de rayos y mejoras para el motor Snowdrop

La tecnología la tenían, pero no era el momento. Avatar vendió aproximadamente 2,7 millones de copias para mayo de 2010. Buenas cifras que vinieron del boom del cine, pero que no se quedaron por una tecnología casi inexistente por aquel entonces. El medio estadounidense Wired destacó el mismo día de su lanzamiento que el juego de Avatar “señala el camino hacia el futuro de los juegos de películas” —una afirmación algo hilarante ya que el género de “juegos de películas” murió poco después—.

We would love to say thanks to the writer of this article for this remarkable content

Avatar quiso revolucionar el videojuego en PC con una tecnología imposible hace 13 años que ya pocos recuerdan

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1651205060) } [2]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(70) "INTERVIEW: Tye Sheridan Wants To Tell Stories That Matter – BroBible" ["link"]=> string(109) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/movie-actors/interview-tye-sheridan-wants-to-tell-stories-that-matter-brobible/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(10) "Tom Pauler" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Fri, 29 Apr 2022 03:50:22 +0000" ["category"]=> string(53) "Movie ActorsBroBibleInterviewmatterSheridanStoriesTye" ["guid"]=> string(39) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/?p=119914" ["description"]=> string(651) "Getty Image I’m 27-years-old, turning 28 next March. What’s odd about this particular moment in life is how old you feel is really only a matter of perspective. If I were to scroll through the Instagram of my union buddy from high school who’s already a mortgage and a pregnancy into adulthood, I’d feel that ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(7177) "

Getty Image

I’m 27-years-old, turning 28 next March. What’s odd about this particular moment in life is how old you feel is really only a matter of perspective. If I were to scroll through the Instagram of my union buddy from high school who’s already a mortgage and a pregnancy into adulthood, I’d feel that 27 is still — despite how I may feel the night after going out — on the younger side of things. Conversely, a couple of clicks through my immature college ex-girlfriend’s Snapchat would have me feeling the opposite.

Our relationship with time and how it relates to who we are is one of the fundamental tenants of being human. The age you are and the experiences you’ve had in that span of time largely dictates the life you lead, barring something extraordinary. Yes, we’ve seen wunderkinds graduate college at 17 and military veterans get their degrees at 30, but for the most part, 18-to-23-year-olds are college kids and therefore act like it. Tye Sheridan, however, is one of those examples of the extraordinary.

Despite being just 23-years-old, the Texas native has already lived a lifetime worth of experiences, particularly as it pertains to his already A-list career. Still young enough to comfortably fit in at the college bars that I was making a fool out of myself out when I was his age, Sheridan has already starred alongside Matthew McConaughey (in 2013’s Mud, his *second-ever* film appearance), as one of the X-Men (he played Scott Summers/Cyclops in the most recent trilogy), and most notable of all, as the leading man in a Steven Spielberg film (Ready Player One), which puts him in a lineage that includes the legendary likes of Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, and more.

It’s fitting, and not a coincidence, that Sheridan has the maturity required to navigate such a rapidly booming and evolving career, as my biggest takeaway from our nearly hour-long conversation was how thoughtful he was. He chooses his words carefully and his projects even more so, with his latest being the ultimate reflection of that thoughtfulness. He wants to tell stories that matter.

You may think superhero movies represent the baseline of cinematic simplicity, but when asking Tye about them, he launches into a pensive soliloquy about the benefits of optimism and what it means to be a vehicle to that emotion for the masses. When asked about his new survival thriller Wireless, he ruminates on man’s relationship with technology.

RELATED: The First Trailer For ‘Wireless’ Weaponizes Our Primal Fear Of Getting Lost

Our relationship with technology, and particularly our cellphones, is at the heart of Wireless, which finds Tye’s character Andy lost in no man’s land with only his cellphone to save him — a cellphone that is also ironically the reason he finds himself in such a dire situation in the first place. And just like the actual idea in which Wireless is examining — our growing reliance on technology — Tye is able to elevate the project into something more than mindless, hollow thrills not only due to his undeniable talent but his belief in the story that the series is telling. And that’s what makes him such an exceptional actor: he wants to tell stories that matter.

Make sure to listen to our full interview with Tye wherever you get your podcasts (Apple|Spotifyand to stream his new excellent series ‘Wireless’ over on Quibi.
The interview with Tye starts at 44 minutes.


Subscribe and listen to our pop culture podcast, The Post-Credit Podcast, and follow us on Twitter @PostCredPod



Google Podcasts


We would like to say thanks to the author of this write-up for this incredible material

INTERVIEW: Tye Sheridan Wants To Tell Stories That Matter – BroBible

" } ["summary"]=> string(651) "Getty Image I’m 27-years-old, turning 28 next March. What’s odd about this particular moment in life is how old you feel is really only a matter of perspective. If I were to scroll through the Instagram of my union buddy from high school who’s already a mortgage and a pregnancy into adulthood, I’d feel that ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(7177) "

Getty Image

I’m 27-years-old, turning 28 next March. What’s odd about this particular moment in life is how old you feel is really only a matter of perspective. If I were to scroll through the Instagram of my union buddy from high school who’s already a mortgage and a pregnancy into adulthood, I’d feel that 27 is still — despite how I may feel the night after going out — on the younger side of things. Conversely, a couple of clicks through my immature college ex-girlfriend’s Snapchat would have me feeling the opposite.

Our relationship with time and how it relates to who we are is one of the fundamental tenants of being human. The age you are and the experiences you’ve had in that span of time largely dictates the life you lead, barring something extraordinary. Yes, we’ve seen wunderkinds graduate college at 17 and military veterans get their degrees at 30, but for the most part, 18-to-23-year-olds are college kids and therefore act like it. Tye Sheridan, however, is one of those examples of the extraordinary.

Despite being just 23-years-old, the Texas native has already lived a lifetime worth of experiences, particularly as it pertains to his already A-list career. Still young enough to comfortably fit in at the college bars that I was making a fool out of myself out when I was his age, Sheridan has already starred alongside Matthew McConaughey (in 2013’s Mud, his *second-ever* film appearance), as one of the X-Men (he played Scott Summers/Cyclops in the most recent trilogy), and most notable of all, as the leading man in a Steven Spielberg film (Ready Player One), which puts him in a lineage that includes the legendary likes of Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, and more.

It’s fitting, and not a coincidence, that Sheridan has the maturity required to navigate such a rapidly booming and evolving career, as my biggest takeaway from our nearly hour-long conversation was how thoughtful he was. He chooses his words carefully and his projects even more so, with his latest being the ultimate reflection of that thoughtfulness. He wants to tell stories that matter.

You may think superhero movies represent the baseline of cinematic simplicity, but when asking Tye about them, he launches into a pensive soliloquy about the benefits of optimism and what it means to be a vehicle to that emotion for the masses. When asked about his new survival thriller Wireless, he ruminates on man’s relationship with technology.

RELATED: The First Trailer For ‘Wireless’ Weaponizes Our Primal Fear Of Getting Lost

Our relationship with technology, and particularly our cellphones, is at the heart of Wireless, which finds Tye’s character Andy lost in no man’s land with only his cellphone to save him — a cellphone that is also ironically the reason he finds himself in such a dire situation in the first place. And just like the actual idea in which Wireless is examining — our growing reliance on technology — Tye is able to elevate the project into something more than mindless, hollow thrills not only due to his undeniable talent but his belief in the story that the series is telling. And that’s what makes him such an exceptional actor: he wants to tell stories that matter.

Make sure to listen to our full interview with Tye wherever you get your podcasts (Apple|Spotifyand to stream his new excellent series ‘Wireless’ over on Quibi.
The interview with Tye starts at 44 minutes.


Subscribe and listen to our pop culture podcast, The Post-Credit Podcast, and follow us on Twitter @PostCredPod



Google Podcasts


We would like to say thanks to the author of this write-up for this incredible material

INTERVIEW: Tye Sheridan Wants To Tell Stories That Matter – BroBible

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1651204222) } [3]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(101) "Gene mutations that contribute to head and neck cancer also provide ‘precision’ treatment targets" ["link"]=> string(143) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/healthandscience/gene-mutations-that-contribute-to-head-and-neck-cancer-also-provide-precision-treatment-targets/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(12) "Tony Grantly" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Fri, 29 Apr 2022 03:38:34 +0000" ["category"]=> string(83) "Health And SciencecancercontributeGeneMutationsNeckPrecisionprovidetargetsTreatment" ["guid"]=> string(39) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/?p=119909" ["description"]=> string(804) "Journal Reference: Hoi-Lam Ngan, Chun-Ho Law, Yannie Chung Yan Choi, Jenny Yu-Sum Chan, Vivian Wai Yan Lui. Precision drugging of the MAPK pathway in head and neck cancer. npj Genomic Medicine, 2022; 7 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41525-022-00293-1 Keys to targeting that vulnerability include individualized genomic analysis to identify a patient’s specific mutation, and finding the drugs ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(11527) "

Journal Reference:

  1. Hoi-Lam Ngan, Chun-Ho Law, Yannie Chung Yan Choi, Jenny Yu-Sum Chan, Vivian Wai Yan Lui. Precision drugging of the MAPK pathway in head and neck cancer. npj Genomic Medicine, 2022; 7 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41525-022-00293-1

Keys to targeting that vulnerability include individualized genomic analysis to identify a patient’s specific mutation, and finding the drugs that directly target it, investigations that should be given more attention in cancer therapy development, they report in a review article in the journal NPJ Genomic Medicine.

The MAPK pathway is a “signaling hub” for cells important to the usual development of the head and neck region, and activating key pathway constituents, like the genes MAPK1 and HRAS, is known to drive the growth of a variety of cancers, says Dr. Vivian Wai Yan Lui, molecular pharmacologist and translational scientist at the Georgia Cancer Center and Medical College of Georgia and the paper’s corresponding author.

But the mutations in the genes in the MAPK pathway that enable tumor growth can also make it sensitive to drug therapy, says Lui. While a lot of discovery is still needed to find more mutations in the MAPK pathway and the drugs that target them, Lui says they are among the most logical treatment targets for this tough-to-treat cancer.

As she speaks, she is looking in her lab for drugs that kill head and neck primary tumors from patients, and at the genetics behind how they kill.

“It’s critical to the survival of the cancer,” says Lui, and every cancer type likely has one or more drug-sensitizing mutations that may vary in individuals depending on how they got cancer.

If these types of studies continue to find the methodology works, gene panels might need to be developed to expedite target discovery in this very heterogenous cancer, the scientists write.

More clinical trials around the globe at institutions like MCG and the Georgia Cancer Center are essential to identifying these specific mutations and drugs that target them in a precision manner, Lui notes.

Also, next on the horizon is combining this “precision medicine” approach with immunotherapy that better enables a patient’s immune system to also target the cancer, she says.

Lui’s interest in the MAPK pathway solidified almost a decade ago at the University of Pittsburgh where she did her postdoctoral studies and eventually joined the faculty. Her mentor was Dr. Jennifer R. Grandis (now at the University of California, San Francisco), who led the head and neck cancer program there. The patient in his 30s, a heavy smoker and drinker, had stage four head and neck squamous cell carcinoma that had metastasized to his lymph nodes. The patient went to Pittsburgh for removal of the lymph nodes and the primary tumor but was fortunate enough to be eligible for a “window of opportunity” trial there. Before starting any standard treatment, he received a trial drug for 13 days, in his case an epidermal growth factor receptor, or EGFR, blocker. The receptor is involved in cell growth, and is found on some normal cells, including in the head and neck area where there is a lot of natural cell turnover because of exposure to things like food and drink. However, in cancer cells, including head and neck cancer cells, EGFR is abundantly expressed for the rapid growth critical to a tumor’s spread and survival.

The patient was given the drug, erlotinib, which was not known to be particularly effective in these cancers but was being looked at to see if it would quieten signaling of this factor that was important to the cancer’s growth. When he went for surgery following the trial, the surgeon called to report there was no cancer on his tongue and studies of his 36 lymph nodes indicated they also now showed no evidence of cancer. The patient was still doing well by the time the Pittsburgh colleagues published the paper two years later in 2015 in JAMA Oncology.

His was rightly called an “exceptional response,” the first Lui and her colleagues had found in head and neck cancer, and she had to figure out the mutation the drug targeted to enable such a response. Exceptional responders are how the National Cancer Institute describes people who have more than a six-month response to a therapy when they are running out of treatment options.

An EGFR gene mutation was a logical choice for his mutation. Harvard investigators had previously found that in non-small cell lung cancer, EGFR activating mutations could activate tumor cell growth, which also made tumor cells “addicted” to the signal from the mutated EGFR. The drug erlotinib could break the addiction and inhibit cancer cell growth.

Lui didn’t find an EGFR mutation in this young man’s pretreatment biopsy but reasoned the mutation had to have something to do with the receptor’s signaling network. She was surprised — and the first — to find it was a MAPK1 gene mutation, MAPK1 p.E322K specifically, that could also be found in liver, breast and other cancers.

When they later engineered the mutation in head and neck cancer cells, the already aggressive cells grew even faster, Lui says of a mutation that can result from habits like heavy smoking and drinking. They would also find that the particular mutation was very common in the United States in patients with head and neck cancer, while there was a wider spectrum of mutations present in Asians with the cancer.

Erlotinib had actually failed in clinical trials because it wasn’t given to the right patients, which is what precision medicine is, Lui notes. In fact, laboratory studies had indicated that activation of MAPK1 confers resistance to erlotinib, she says, while this patient’s response clearly counters that. Follow up work by Grandis indicated that in patients actually, the higher the MAPK1 activation, the better the cancer responded to erlotinib.

To help move cancer treatment forward, Lui encourages physicians who come across these types of “exceptional responses” to report them, work with scientists to study them, then pursue clinical trials when appropriate.

For patients, her message is not to give up because with more high-level analysis of tumors, there might be a certain mutation that makes their cancer vulnerable to a specific medication, she says of these “gene-drug responses” that are the focal point of her translational work.

“There are secrets that make the cancer vulnerable,” Lui says. “When cancer cells have an important gene mutation that they are activating or that cancer cells are addicted to for survival, then when you hit that signaling pathway, the cancer cells will die or be really well controlled.”

Prior to the era of genomic medicine, when scientists began to identify and target a specific gene mutation, “non-precision” drug treatment of the MAPK pathway in head and neck cancers as well as other cancers were “futile,” and typically “failed miserably” in clinical trials, Lui and her colleagues write.

While the reasons may be uncertain, they likely include the wrong drug for that specific, problematic mutation, Lui says, as well as the fact that some MAPK pathway mutations are known to convey drug resistance.

Either way, there is a lot of work to do. Today there are just a handful of drugs that target specific, cancer-causing mutations in head and neck cancer but there aren’t effective precision drugs for about 80% of patients, Lui and her coauthors write.

But there is mounting evidence that targeting specific MAPK pathway mutations in the pathway like MAPK1, HRAS, KRAS and BRAF can be very effective for these patients.

As an example, the RAS inhibitor tipifarnib received Breakthrough Therapy Designation by the Food and Drug Administration in February 2021 for patients with a specific recurrent or metastatic HRAS-mutant head and neck squamous cell cancer. HRAS is involved in cell growth signaling.

Also, studies indicate that EGFR targeted therapy in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, increases progression-free survival to a median of 18.9 months and median overall survival beyond three years and reduces death rates about 52%. In 2016 the Food and Drug Administration modified its approval of erlotinib to treat non-small cell lung cancer patients with the specific EGFR mutations. In 2020, the FDA approved erlotinib in combination with ramucirumab, a monoclonal antibody that binds to a receptor for vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF, which tumors use to grow the blood vessels they need to thrive, as a frontline treatment for these cancers. The FDA granted Breakthrough Therapy Designation to tipifarnib, an inhibitor of a protein which has the downstream effect of interfering in this case with mutations of the gene HRAS, which is also involved in cell division and in the MAPK pathway. There are now more than 1.5 million people with non-small cell lung cancer on precision medicine because of investigators who continued to examine the initial few responders, Lui says.

Lui is a native of Hong Kong, who was on the faculty of The Chinese University of Hong Kong before joining the MCG faculty in October 2021. In 2020 Lui and her colleagues reported that MAPK pathway mutations are a factor in about one-fifth of head and neck cancer patients and that “unexpectedly” these mutations are associated with longer patient survival than other causes like human papillomavirus.

Head and neck cancer is typically aggressive and often both the disease and its treatment are painful and disfiguring. It carries a higher risk of suicide than many other cancer types. The incidence of head and neck cancer is going up across the world, with causes including tobacco and/or alcohol use, air pollutants, cancer causing viruses like the sexually transmitted HPV, and Epstein-Barr virus, one of the most common viruses that is primarily spread by saliva and can cause problems like infectious mononucleosis. Other causes include poor dental hygiene and chewing betel nut, a stimulant which comes from the Areca palm plant, and is used as a recreational drug and as a still-unproven treatment for problems like schizophrenia and glaucoma. Chewing betel nut is a common cultural practice in South and Southeast Asia and the Asian Pacific. It’s often chewed with products like tobacco and has been associated with cancer and a host of other medical problems like a slow heart rate and stomach ulcers.

The carcinogens largely damage the lining of the head and neck region resulting in one or more mutations that can lead to cancer.

We want to give thanks to the author of this write-up for this awesome web content

Gene mutations that contribute to head and neck cancer also provide ‘precision’ treatment targets

" } ["summary"]=> string(804) "Journal Reference: Hoi-Lam Ngan, Chun-Ho Law, Yannie Chung Yan Choi, Jenny Yu-Sum Chan, Vivian Wai Yan Lui. Precision drugging of the MAPK pathway in head and neck cancer. npj Genomic Medicine, 2022; 7 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41525-022-00293-1 Keys to targeting that vulnerability include individualized genomic analysis to identify a patient’s specific mutation, and finding the drugs ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(11527) "

Journal Reference:

  1. Hoi-Lam Ngan, Chun-Ho Law, Yannie Chung Yan Choi, Jenny Yu-Sum Chan, Vivian Wai Yan Lui. Precision drugging of the MAPK pathway in head and neck cancer. npj Genomic Medicine, 2022; 7 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41525-022-00293-1

Keys to targeting that vulnerability include individualized genomic analysis to identify a patient’s specific mutation, and finding the drugs that directly target it, investigations that should be given more attention in cancer therapy development, they report in a review article in the journal NPJ Genomic Medicine.

The MAPK pathway is a “signaling hub” for cells important to the usual development of the head and neck region, and activating key pathway constituents, like the genes MAPK1 and HRAS, is known to drive the growth of a variety of cancers, says Dr. Vivian Wai Yan Lui, molecular pharmacologist and translational scientist at the Georgia Cancer Center and Medical College of Georgia and the paper’s corresponding author.

But the mutations in the genes in the MAPK pathway that enable tumor growth can also make it sensitive to drug therapy, says Lui. While a lot of discovery is still needed to find more mutations in the MAPK pathway and the drugs that target them, Lui says they are among the most logical treatment targets for this tough-to-treat cancer.

As she speaks, she is looking in her lab for drugs that kill head and neck primary tumors from patients, and at the genetics behind how they kill.

“It’s critical to the survival of the cancer,” says Lui, and every cancer type likely has one or more drug-sensitizing mutations that may vary in individuals depending on how they got cancer.

If these types of studies continue to find the methodology works, gene panels might need to be developed to expedite target discovery in this very heterogenous cancer, the scientists write.

More clinical trials around the globe at institutions like MCG and the Georgia Cancer Center are essential to identifying these specific mutations and drugs that target them in a precision manner, Lui notes.

Also, next on the horizon is combining this “precision medicine” approach with immunotherapy that better enables a patient’s immune system to also target the cancer, she says.

Lui’s interest in the MAPK pathway solidified almost a decade ago at the University of Pittsburgh where she did her postdoctoral studies and eventually joined the faculty. Her mentor was Dr. Jennifer R. Grandis (now at the University of California, San Francisco), who led the head and neck cancer program there. The patient in his 30s, a heavy smoker and drinker, had stage four head and neck squamous cell carcinoma that had metastasized to his lymph nodes. The patient went to Pittsburgh for removal of the lymph nodes and the primary tumor but was fortunate enough to be eligible for a “window of opportunity” trial there. Before starting any standard treatment, he received a trial drug for 13 days, in his case an epidermal growth factor receptor, or EGFR, blocker. The receptor is involved in cell growth, and is found on some normal cells, including in the head and neck area where there is a lot of natural cell turnover because of exposure to things like food and drink. However, in cancer cells, including head and neck cancer cells, EGFR is abundantly expressed for the rapid growth critical to a tumor’s spread and survival.

The patient was given the drug, erlotinib, which was not known to be particularly effective in these cancers but was being looked at to see if it would quieten signaling of this factor that was important to the cancer’s growth. When he went for surgery following the trial, the surgeon called to report there was no cancer on his tongue and studies of his 36 lymph nodes indicated they also now showed no evidence of cancer. The patient was still doing well by the time the Pittsburgh colleagues published the paper two years later in 2015 in JAMA Oncology.

His was rightly called an “exceptional response,” the first Lui and her colleagues had found in head and neck cancer, and she had to figure out the mutation the drug targeted to enable such a response. Exceptional responders are how the National Cancer Institute describes people who have more than a six-month response to a therapy when they are running out of treatment options.

An EGFR gene mutation was a logical choice for his mutation. Harvard investigators had previously found that in non-small cell lung cancer, EGFR activating mutations could activate tumor cell growth, which also made tumor cells “addicted” to the signal from the mutated EGFR. The drug erlotinib could break the addiction and inhibit cancer cell growth.

Lui didn’t find an EGFR mutation in this young man’s pretreatment biopsy but reasoned the mutation had to have something to do with the receptor’s signaling network. She was surprised — and the first — to find it was a MAPK1 gene mutation, MAPK1 p.E322K specifically, that could also be found in liver, breast and other cancers.

When they later engineered the mutation in head and neck cancer cells, the already aggressive cells grew even faster, Lui says of a mutation that can result from habits like heavy smoking and drinking. They would also find that the particular mutation was very common in the United States in patients with head and neck cancer, while there was a wider spectrum of mutations present in Asians with the cancer.

Erlotinib had actually failed in clinical trials because it wasn’t given to the right patients, which is what precision medicine is, Lui notes. In fact, laboratory studies had indicated that activation of MAPK1 confers resistance to erlotinib, she says, while this patient’s response clearly counters that. Follow up work by Grandis indicated that in patients actually, the higher the MAPK1 activation, the better the cancer responded to erlotinib.

To help move cancer treatment forward, Lui encourages physicians who come across these types of “exceptional responses” to report them, work with scientists to study them, then pursue clinical trials when appropriate.

For patients, her message is not to give up because with more high-level analysis of tumors, there might be a certain mutation that makes their cancer vulnerable to a specific medication, she says of these “gene-drug responses” that are the focal point of her translational work.

“There are secrets that make the cancer vulnerable,” Lui says. “When cancer cells have an important gene mutation that they are activating or that cancer cells are addicted to for survival, then when you hit that signaling pathway, the cancer cells will die or be really well controlled.”

Prior to the era of genomic medicine, when scientists began to identify and target a specific gene mutation, “non-precision” drug treatment of the MAPK pathway in head and neck cancers as well as other cancers were “futile,” and typically “failed miserably” in clinical trials, Lui and her colleagues write.

While the reasons may be uncertain, they likely include the wrong drug for that specific, problematic mutation, Lui says, as well as the fact that some MAPK pathway mutations are known to convey drug resistance.

Either way, there is a lot of work to do. Today there are just a handful of drugs that target specific, cancer-causing mutations in head and neck cancer but there aren’t effective precision drugs for about 80% of patients, Lui and her coauthors write.

But there is mounting evidence that targeting specific MAPK pathway mutations in the pathway like MAPK1, HRAS, KRAS and BRAF can be very effective for these patients.

As an example, the RAS inhibitor tipifarnib received Breakthrough Therapy Designation by the Food and Drug Administration in February 2021 for patients with a specific recurrent or metastatic HRAS-mutant head and neck squamous cell cancer. HRAS is involved in cell growth signaling.

Also, studies indicate that EGFR targeted therapy in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, increases progression-free survival to a median of 18.9 months and median overall survival beyond three years and reduces death rates about 52%. In 2016 the Food and Drug Administration modified its approval of erlotinib to treat non-small cell lung cancer patients with the specific EGFR mutations. In 2020, the FDA approved erlotinib in combination with ramucirumab, a monoclonal antibody that binds to a receptor for vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF, which tumors use to grow the blood vessels they need to thrive, as a frontline treatment for these cancers. The FDA granted Breakthrough Therapy Designation to tipifarnib, an inhibitor of a protein which has the downstream effect of interfering in this case with mutations of the gene HRAS, which is also involved in cell division and in the MAPK pathway. There are now more than 1.5 million people with non-small cell lung cancer on precision medicine because of investigators who continued to examine the initial few responders, Lui says.

Lui is a native of Hong Kong, who was on the faculty of The Chinese University of Hong Kong before joining the MCG faculty in October 2021. In 2020 Lui and her colleagues reported that MAPK pathway mutations are a factor in about one-fifth of head and neck cancer patients and that “unexpectedly” these mutations are associated with longer patient survival than other causes like human papillomavirus.

Head and neck cancer is typically aggressive and often both the disease and its treatment are painful and disfiguring. It carries a higher risk of suicide than many other cancer types. The incidence of head and neck cancer is going up across the world, with causes including tobacco and/or alcohol use, air pollutants, cancer causing viruses like the sexually transmitted HPV, and Epstein-Barr virus, one of the most common viruses that is primarily spread by saliva and can cause problems like infectious mononucleosis. Other causes include poor dental hygiene and chewing betel nut, a stimulant which comes from the Areca palm plant, and is used as a recreational drug and as a still-unproven treatment for problems like schizophrenia and glaucoma. Chewing betel nut is a common cultural practice in South and Southeast Asia and the Asian Pacific. It’s often chewed with products like tobacco and has been associated with cancer and a host of other medical problems like a slow heart rate and stomach ulcers.

The carcinogens largely damage the lining of the head and neck region resulting in one or more mutations that can lead to cancer.

We want to give thanks to the author of this write-up for this awesome web content

Gene mutations that contribute to head and neck cancer also provide ‘precision’ treatment targets

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1651203514) } [4]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(91) "Everything Coming to Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max & Other Major Streaming Services in May 2022" ["link"]=> string(129) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/scream-away/everything-coming-to-netflix-disney-hbo-max-other-major-streaming-services-in-may-2022/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(11) "Harry World" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Fri, 29 Apr 2022 03:33:56 +0000" ["category"]=> string(58) "Scream AwayComingDisneyHBOMajorMaxNetflixservicesstreaming" ["guid"]=> string(39) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/?p=119903" ["description"]=> string(715) "The month of May is here and that means streaming subscribers are in for a big month filled with new entertainment to enjoy. Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, Peacock, Paramount+, and Prime Video are all preparing for a horde of new movies and TV shows over the course of May. Whether you’re into popular action ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(49203) "

The month of May is here and that means streaming subscribers are in for a big month filled with new entertainment to enjoy. Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, Peacock, Paramount+, and Prime Video are all preparing for a horde of new movies and TV shows over the course of May. Whether you’re into popular action movies from years past or you get excited about buzzy new original shows, there’s something to look forward to next month.

Disney+ has a few titles worth marking the calendar for in May. The month will kick off with the finale of Moon Knight, the acclaimed new Marvel series, on May 4th. Later in the month, the new Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers movie will debut exclusively on the service, followed by the premiere of the highly anticipated Star Wars series Obi-Wan Kenobi.

May 27th might be the single biggest day for streaming we’ve seen in quite a long time. The first two episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi debut on Disney+, while the first half of Stranger Things Season 4 are released on Netflix. Two of the most talked-about new shows of the entire year are arriving on the same day.

You can check out the full May streaming calendar below!

May 1


3 Ninjas: Kick Back
A River Runs Through It
Are You the One?: Season 6
Blippi Wonders: Season 1
Corpse Bride
Crazy, Stupid, Love.
Den of Thieves
Dirty Harry
Empire State
Forrest Gump
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
Hello, My Name Is Doris
Jackass: The Movie
Jackass 2.5
Jackass 3.5
John Q
Menace II Society
Once Upon a Time in America
Rambo: Last Blood
Road to Perdition
Seven Years in Tibet
Soul Surfer
The Gentlemen
The Lake House
U.S. Marshals (1998)
War of the Worlds
When Harry Met Sally
You’ve Got Mail

Yellowface: Asian Whitewashing and Racism in Hollywood
, 2019
47 Ronin, 2013
Assassins, 2020 (HBO)
At Close Range, 1986 (HBO)
An Autumn Afternoon, 1962
The Big Sleep, 1946
Back To School, 1986
Bottle Rocket, 1996
Calladita, 2020 (HBO)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 1968 (HBO)
Child 44, 2015 (HBO)
Chungking Express, 1994
The Color Purple, 1985
Conan The Barbarian, 2011 (HBO)
Devil in A Blue Dress, 1995
Dodes ‘Ka-Den, 1970
Domino, 2019 (HBO)
Downhill, 1927
Dragnet Girl, 1933
Early Spring, 1956
Early Summer, 1951
The End of Summer, 1961
Equinox Flower, 1958
Eraser, 1996
Fallen Angels, 1995
Floating Weeds, 1959
FRIDA, 2002 (HBO)
The Fugitive, 1993
Furry Vengeance, 2010 (HBO)
Gang Related, 1997 (HBO)
Good Morning, 1959
Hard Rain, 1998 (HBO)
Hart’s War, 2002 (HBO)
High and Low, 1963
Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, 2001 (HBO)
Julie, 1956
Killers, 2010 (HBO)
Language Lessons, 2021
Love and Baseball, 2021
The Machine That Kills Bad People, 1952
Masters Of The Universe, 1987 (HBO)
The Missing, 2003 (HBO)
The New Guy, 2002 (HBO)
North Dallas Forty, 1979 (HBO)
Not Easily Broken, 2009
The Perks of Being a Wallflower, 2012
Poseidon, 2006
Red Beard, 1965
Ringo and His Golden Pistol, 1966
Rugrats Go Wild, 2003 (HBO)
Rugrats In Paris: The Movie, 2000 (HBO)
The Rugrats Movie, 1998 (HBO)
The Sapphires, 2012 (HBO)
Sense and Sensibility, 1995
Sliding Doors, 1998
St. Elmo’s Fire, 1985
The Stepford Wives, 2004 (HBO)
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, 2009 (Extended Version)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 1991 (Director’s Cut) (HBO)
Tokyo Twilight, 1957
Top Secret!, 1984 (HBO)
Transporter 3, 2008 (HBO)
Unbroken, 2014
Underworld, 2003
Underworld: Awakening, 2012
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, 2009
Welcome to the Dollhouse, 1995
W.E., 2011 (HBO)
What To Expect When You’re Expecting, 2012 (HBO)
The Wild Thornberrys Movie, 2002 (HBO)
You, Me and Dupree, 2006
Young Adult, 2011 (HBO)
Zathura: A Space Adventure, 2005

THE A-TEAM (2010)
CYRUS (2010)
EASY A (2010)
EQUITY (2016)
GONE (2012)
GRANDMA (2015)
HOT FUZZ (2007)
MO’ MONEY (1992)
ONG BAK (2003)
ONG BAK 2 (2008)
ONG BAK 3 (2010)
OPEN SEASON 2 (2009)
TAKEN (2009)
THE VOW (2012)

13 Going on 30
, 2004
About a Boy, 2002
The American, 2010
American Gangster, 2007
Armageddon, 1998
Assault on Precinct 13, 2005
Bangkok Dangerous, 2008
The Best Man, 1999
The Blues Brothers, 1980
Bride Wars, 2009
Brown Sugar, 2002
Cat’s Eye, 1985
Con Air, 1997
Constantine, 2005
Coyote Ugly, 2000
Creepshow, 1982
Dark Waters, 2019
Die Hard, 1988
Die Hard 2, 1990
Die Hard with a Vengeance, 1995
Disaster Movie, 2008
Dragon: Bruce Lee Story, 1993
Dreamcatcher, 2003
Enemy of the State, 1998
Fast Times at Ridgemont High, 1982
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 1998
Flipper, 1996
Head Over Heels, 2001
Housesitter, 1992
Independence Day, 1996
Intolerable Cruelty, 2003
Jarhead, 2005
Johnson Family Vacation, 2004
The Joy Luck Club, 1993
Just Wright, 2010
The Land Before Time, 1988
Land Before Time: Journey of the Brave, 2016
Land of the Lost, 2009
Last Knights, 2015
Leatherheads, 2008
Little Rascals, 1994
Live Free or Die Hard, 2007
Madagascar, 2005
Man on a Ledge, 2012
Midway, 1976
Milk, 2008
The Namesake, 2006
Needful Things, 1993
The Notebook, 2004
The One, 2001
Out of Sight, 1998
Parenthood, 1989
The Peanut Butter Falcon, 2019
Public Enemies, 2009
Ray, 2004
Red Rock West, 1992
Resident Evil, 2002
Resident Evil: Apocalypse, 2004
Resident Evil: Extinction, 2007
Resident Evil: Afterlife, 2010
Resident Evil: Retribution, 2012
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, 2017
Rumble Fish, 1983
The Rundown, 2003
Schindler’s List, 1993
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, 2010
Shrek, 2001
Shrek 2, 2004
Sicario, 2015
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, 2003
Slap Shot, 1977
Smokey and the Bandit, 1977
Smokey and the Bandit II, 1980
Snatch, 2000
Sweet Home Alabama, 2002
The Talented Mr. Ripley, 1999
Tombstone, 1993
The Transporter, 2002
Twilight, 2008
The Twilight Saga: New Moon, 2009
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, 2010
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1, 2011
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2, 2012
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, 2007
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, 2005
Woody Woodpecker, 2018
Hatfields and McCoys, Season 1
IMSA Hyundai Monterey SportsCar Championship
IMSA Laguna Seca – Porche Carrera Cup
IMSA Laguna Seca – Lamborghini Super Trofeo
IndyCar Series #4 Barber
Indy Lights – Barber
Premier League – Tottenham v. Leicester City
Premier League – Everton v. Chelsea
Premier League – West Ham United v. Arsenal
Premiership Rugby: London Irish v. Wasps
USFL – NJ Generals v. Philadelphia Stars

Independence Day
Tombstone (1993)
Open Range (2003)
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)
The Guardian (2006)
Office Space (1999)
Enemy Of The State (1998)
Taken (2008)
Dude, Where’s My Car? (2000)
Hitman (2007)
Red Tails (2012)
Sideways (2021)
Tooth Fairy 2 (2012)
Courage Under Fire (1996)
Pearl Harbor (2001)
Fat Albert (2004)
Lucky Number Slevin (2006)
The Angriest Man In Brooklyn (2014)
Tangerine (2015)
Europa Report (2013)
Blackfish (2013)
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989)
Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey (1991)
Fargo (1996)
Valley Girl (1983)
The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999)
Platoon (1986)
The Woods (2006)
Bad Influence (1990)
The Namesake (2007)
Crank (2006)
Mamma Mia! (2008)
Shrek (2001)
Shrek 2 (2004)
Battleship (2012)
Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (2008)
Don’t Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood (1996)
Field Of Dreams (1989)
Road To Perdition (2002)
Eye For An Eye (1996)
Zero Dark Thirty (2013)
A League Of Their Own (1992)
The Ugly Truth (2009)
Blue Clues S1 (1999)


May 2

Octonauts: Above & Beyond

: Season 3 Premiere
Daytime Divas: Complete Series

Premier League – Manchester United v. Brentford
Saw 2, 2005
Saw 3, 2006
Saw 4, 2007
Saw 5, 2008
Saw 6, 2009
Saw 3D, 2010
The Weakest Link, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)

50 First Dates

(500) Days of Summer
A Chorus Line
A Thousand Words
Black Dynamite
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Days Of Heaven
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Footloose (1984)
Galaxy Quest
Grosse Pointe Blank
Groundhog Day
Head of State
Little Fauss and Big Halsy
Love Story
Marathon Man
Mean Girls
Mission: Impossible
Mission: Impossible II
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol
Mr. Mom
Paint Your Wagon
Paper Moon
Pootie Tang
Raising Arizona
Road to Perdition
Saving Private Ryan
Scary Movie
Scary Movie 2
Shakespeare in Love
Short Circuit
Sidewalks Of New York
Sleepy Hollow
Star Trek
Steel Magnolias
Tank Girl
The Addams Family
The Color of Money
The Dogs of War
The Fifth Element
The Fighter
The Great Gatsby
The Longest Yard
The Mechanic
The Odd Couple
The Poseidon Adventure
The Professional
True Confessions
War of the Worlds
Yours, Mine, & Ours


May 3

Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive

American Song Contest
, Season 1, New Episode (NBC)
The Endgame, Season 1, New Episode (NBC)
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)

Never Seen Again


May 4

40 Years Young
The Circle: Season 4 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
El marginal: Season 5 — NETFLIX SERIES
Meltdown: Three Mile Island — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
Summertime: Season 3 — NETFLIX SERIES

Life Below Zero
Disney Gallery: The Book of Boba Fett – Premiere
Moon Knight – Finale

The Chase
: Season 3 Premiere
Holey Moley: Fore-Ever: Season 4 Premiere
Who Do You Believe?: Series Premeire
Real Housewives of New York City: Complete Season 13

Late Night with Seth Meyers
, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)


May 5

Blood Sisters
The Pentaverate — NETFLIX SERIES
Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go: Season 1

Las Bravas F.C.
, Max Original Season 1 Premiere
Queen Stars Brazil, Max Original Season 1 Premiere
The Staircase, Max Original Limited Series Premiere

Dragons: The Nine Realms
: Complete Season 2

Below Deck Down Under
, Season 1, Episode 10 (Peacock Original)
Dale Jr. Download, Season 5, Episode 8
Dragons: The Nine Realms, Season 2
Firestarter, 1984
Girls5eva, Season 2, Episodes 1-3 (Peacock Original)
Halloween II, 1981
Halloween III: Season of the Witch, 1982
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
They Live, 1988
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Village of the Damned, 1995

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds


May 6

Along for the Ride
Marmaduke — NETFLIX FILM
The Sound of Magic — NETFLIX SERIES
The Takedown — NETFLIX FILM
Welcome to Eden — NETFLIX SERIES

Dear Evan Hansen
, 2021 (HBO)
Entre Nos: Carmen and Alfred (HBO)
La Afinadora De Árboles, 2019 (HBO)


The Amber Ruffin Show
, Season 2B, New Episode (Peacock Original)
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order: Organized Crime, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order: SVU, Season 23, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order, Season 21, New Episode (NBC)
Million Dollar Listing NY, Season 9
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)

The Wilds
S2 (2022)
The Unsolved Murder of Beverly Lynn Smith S1 (2022)


May 7

We Baby Bears
, Season 1 Part C

2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN World Championship
The Blacklist, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Dateline, Season 31, New Episode (NBC)
Kentucky Derby
Premier League – Burnley v. Aston Villa
Premier League – Brentford v. Southampton
Premier League – Crystal Palace v. Watford
Premier League – Chelsea v. Wolverhampton
Premier League – Brighton v. Manchester United
Premier League – Liverpool v. Tottenham
Saturday Night Live, Season 47, Episode 18 (NBC)
Supercross – Salt Lake City, UT
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)


May 8

Christina P: Mom Genes

MLB Sunday Leadoff – Chicago White Sox v. Boston Red Sox
Premier League – Leicester City v. Everton
Premier League – Norwich City v. West Ham United
Premier League – Arsenal v. Leeds United
Premier League – Manchester City v. Newcastle
WrestleMania Backlash


May 9

Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Sustainable War

Get Hard
, 2015

: Limited Series Premiere

American Ninja Warrior Women’s Championship Special


May 10

: Season 5
Workin’ Moms: Season 6 — NETFLIX SERIES
42 Days of Darkness — NETFLIX SERIES
Brotherhood: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES
The Circle: Season 4 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
Operation Mincemeat — NETFLIX FILM
The Getaway King — NETFLIX FILM

Catwoman: Hunted
, 2022
The Matrix: Resurrections, 2021 (HBO)
Sesame Street Mecha Builders Season 1 Part A
Robot Chicken Season 11 Part B

: Season 3 Premiere

American Song Contest
, Season 1, New Episode (NBC)
Eurovision Song Contest Semi-Finals Round 1
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
Premier League – Aston Villa v. Liverpool
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)


May 11

Just Like Me
(S1, S2)
Mira, Royal Detective (S2, 10 episodes)
Something Bit Me! (S1)
The Chicken Squad (S1, 5 episodes)
The Wizard of Paws (S2)
Marvel Studios: Assembled – The Making of Moon Knight – Premiere
The Quest – Premiere

Hasta Que La Plata Nos Separe
, Season 1, Episode 1 (Telemundo)
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
La Casa de los Famosos, Season 2, Episode 1 (Telemundo)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
Premier League – Leeds United v. Chelsea
Premier League – Leicester City v. Norwich City
Premier League -Watford v. Everton
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)

The Challenge: All Stars
Season 3 premiere
T@gged (Seasons 1 – 3)


May 12

Savage Beauty — NETFLIX SERIES

, Max Original Season 2 Premiere
Who’s By Your Side, Max Original Season 1 Premiere


Below Deck Down Under
, Season 1, Episode 11 (Peacock Original)
Chicago Fire, Season 10, New Episode (NBC)
Chicago Med, Season 7, New Episode (NBC)
Chicago PD, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Eurovision Song Contest Semi-Finals Round 2
Girls5eva, Season 2, Episode 4 (Peacock Original)
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Premier League – Tottenham v. Arsenal
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)


May 13

Bling Empire
The Life and Movies of Erşan Kuneri — NETFLIX SERIES
The Lincoln Lawyer — NETFLIX SERIES
Senior Year — NETFLIX FILM

– Premiere

Hank Zipzer
, 2014
Old, 2021 (HBO)
Smalls, Season 4

, 2022
IndyCar Indianapolis Practice & Qualifying
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order: Organized Crime, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order: SVU, Season 23, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order, Season 21, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Wanda Diamond League – Doha

The Kids in the Hall
S1 (2022)


May 14


The Blacklist
, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Dateline, Season 31, New Episode (NBC)
Eurovision Song Contest Finals
IndyCar Indianapolis Final Warmup, Indy Lights & IndyCar Grand Prix
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
National Collegiate Championship Rugby 7s
Saturday Night Live, Season 47, Episode 19 (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
US Equestrian Championships


May 15

PJ Masks
: Season 4

The Time Traveler’s Wife
, Drama Series Premiere (HBO)

Conversations with Friends
: Complete Limited Series
Catfish: The TV Show: Complete Season 8E

Billboard Music Awards 2022
IMSA Mid-Ohio Sports Car Challenge
MLB Sunday Leadoff – San Diego Padres v. Atlanta Braves
National Collegiate Championship Rugby 7s
Premier League – Tottenham v. Burnley
Premier League – Aston Villa v. Crystal Palace
Premier League – Leeds United v. Brighton
Premier League – Wolverhampton v. Norwich City
Premier League – Watford v. Leicester City
Premier League – West Ham United v. Manchester City

Joe Pickett


May 16

Blippi’s Adventures

Servant of the People: Season 2-3
Vampire in the Garden — NETFLIX ANIME

Queen Sugar
: Complete Season 6

Diamond Hands: The Legend of Wall Street Bets
, 2022 (MSNBC)
Premier League – Newcastle v. Arsenal
The Real Murders of Orange County, Season 1

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance


May 17

The Future Diary

Sesame Street Mecha Builders
, Season 1 Part B
The Mule, 2018 (HBO)


Buried in the Backyard
, Season 4 (Oxygen)
Indianapolis 500 Practice
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)


May 18

The Circle
: Season 4 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
Cyber Hell: Exposing an Internet Horror — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
Love on the Spectrum U.S. — NETFLIX SERIES
The Perfect Family — NETFLIX FILM
Who Killed Sara?: Season 3 — NETFLIX SERIES

Alice’s Wonderland Bakery
(S1, 5 episodes)
I Cavalieri Di Castelcorvo (S1)
Secrets Of The Zoo (S5)

: Complete Series
Helix: Complete Series

, Season 7
Hasta Que La Plata Nos Separe, Season 1, Episode 2 (Telemundo)
Indianapolis 500 Practice
La Casa de los Famosos, Season 2, Episode 2 (Telemundo)
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)

Lovestruck High


May 19

A Perfect Pairing
The Boss Baby: Back in the Crib — NETFLIX FAMILY
The G Word with Adam Conover — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
Insiders: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
The Photographer: Murder in Pinamar — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
Rodrigo Sant’Anna: I’ve Arrived — NETFLIX COMEDY

The Deep End
: Series Premiere
So You Think You Can Dance: Season 17 Premiere

, Limited Series, Episodes 1-5 (Peacock Original)
Below Deck Down Under, Season 1, Episode 12 (Peacock Original)
Chicago Fire, Season 10, New Episode (NBC)
Chicago Med, Season 7, New Episode (NBC)
Chicago PD, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Dragons Rescue Riders: Heroes of the Sky, Season 3, Episodes 1-6 (Peacock Original)
Girls5eva, Season 2, Episode 5 (Peacock Original)
Indianapolis 500 Practice
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Premier League – Everton v. Crystal Palace
Premier League – Aston Villa v. Burnley
Premier League – Chelsea v. Leicester City
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)

Bang Bang Baby
S1, Part 2 (2022)


May 20

Ben Is Back
F*ck Love Too — NETFLIX FILM
Jackass 4.5
Love, Death & Robots: Volume 3 — NETFLIX SERIES
Wrong Side of the Tracks — NETFLIX SERIES

Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers – Premiere

Identidad Tomada
, 2020 (HBO)


HSBC World Rugby Toulouse Men/Women
Indianapolis 500 Practice
Law & Order: Organized Crime, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order: SVU, Season 23, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order, Season 21, New Episode (NBC)
Magnolia Bloom, 2022
The Other Side, 2022
Premiership Rugby – Bristol Bears v. Exeter Chiefs
Premiership Rugby – Wasps v. Sale Sharks
Sorry for the Inconvenience, 2022

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars
Season 7 premieres
RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Untucked Season 4 premieres

Night Sky
LOL: Si te ríes, pierdes (2022)


May 21

The Blacklist
, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Indianapolis 500 Practice & Qualifying
Preakness Stakes
Premiership Rugby – Bath Rugby v. London Irish
Premiership Rugby – Harlequins v. Gloucester Rugby
Premiership Rugby – Newcastle Falcons v. Leicester Tigers
Premiership Rugby – Saracens v. Northampton Saints
Saturday Night Live, Season 47, Episode 21 (NBC)
Track and Field: Wanda Diamond League – Birmingham
USFL – Michigan Panthers v. Birmingham Stallions
The Wall, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)


May 22

: New Episodes

Fast Foodies
, Season 2

, Season 31, New Episode (NBC)
French Open – First Round
Indianapolis 500 Practice & Qualifying
MLB Sunday Leadoff – St. Louis Cardinals v. Pittsburgh Pirates


May 23

Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045
: Season 2 — NETFLIX ANIME

Teen Titans Go!
Season 7 Part B

: Complete Series
My Hero Academia: Complete Season 5 (DUBBED)

Indianapolis 500 Practice
Love Match Atlanta, Season 1, Episode 3 (Bravo)


May 24

Beat Shazam
: Season 5 Premiere
Don’t Forget the Lyrics: Series Premiere

Sins of the Amish
, Episodes 1-2 (Peacock Original)


May 25

The Circle
: Season 4 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
Larva Pendant — NETFLIX FILM
Somebody Feed Phil: Season 5 — NETFLIX SERIES

Hasta Que La Plata Nos Separe
, Season 1, Episode 3 (Telemundo)
La Casa de los Famosos, Season 2, Episode 3 (Telemundo)

Santiago of the Seas
(Season 1)


May 26

: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
My Little Pony: Make Your Mark — NETFLIX FAMILY
Pokémon Master Journeys: The Series: Part 3 — NETFLIX FAMILY


That Damn Michael Che, Max Original Season 2 Premiere
Tig n’ Seek, Max Original Season 4 Premiere

The Great American Tag Sale with Martha Stewart: Series Premiere
Masterchef: Season 12 Premiere

Below Deck Down Under
, Season 1, Episode 13 (Peacock Original)
Girls5eva, Season 2, Episode 6 (Peacock Original)


May 27

Stranger Things 4

Bad Boys

D. Wade: Life Unexpected
Hubble’s Cosmic Journey
Mission Pluto
Obi-Wan Kenobi – 2-Episode Premiere
We Feed People – Premiere

Blippi Special

Blippi Visits
Blippi Wonders
Blippi: Learn With Blippi
Ghost, Season 1
Ghost, Season 2
Stath Lets Flats

: Series Premiere

2020 U.S. Women’s Open, 2020
Celebrating the U.S. Open, 2020
Golf’s Greatest Rounds, Season 1
Indianapolis 500 Final Practice
My U.S. Open, 2020
U.S. Open, 2018
U.S. Open Golf Highlights, 1995
U.S. Women’s Open Decade, 2020
U.S. Women’s Open Flyovers, 2020
U.S. Women’s Open History Makers, 2020
U.S. Women’s Open Documentary, 2019
U.S. Women’s Open Classic Finishes, 2020
U.S. Women’s Open Golf Highlight Films, 2020

Kick Like Tayla (2022)


May 28

French Open – Round 3 or 4
HSBC World Rugby London Men’s
Prefontaine Classic
Senior PGA Championship


May 29

The Misery Index
Season 3 Part B, 2021

Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba: Entertainment District Arc
: Complete Season 1 (DUBBED)

MLB Sunday Leadoff – San Francisco Giants v. Cincinnati Reds
Senior PGA Championship


May 30

Mighty Little Bheem: I Love Taj Mahal

Spring Awakening: Those You’ve Know
, Documentary Premiere (HBO)

French Open – Round 4


May 31

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
: Season 1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Season 1

Miami Vice
, 2006 (Extended Version)

: Complete Limited Series

American Ninja Warrior All Star Spectacular Special
Final Moments, Season 1 (Oxygen)
Señora Acero, Seasons 1-5


We want to say thanks to the author of this write-up for this awesome material

Everything Coming to Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max & Other Major Streaming Services in May 2022

" } ["summary"]=> string(715) "The month of May is here and that means streaming subscribers are in for a big month filled with new entertainment to enjoy. Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, Peacock, Paramount+, and Prime Video are all preparing for a horde of new movies and TV shows over the course of May. Whether you’re into popular action ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(49203) "

The month of May is here and that means streaming subscribers are in for a big month filled with new entertainment to enjoy. Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, Peacock, Paramount+, and Prime Video are all preparing for a horde of new movies and TV shows over the course of May. Whether you’re into popular action movies from years past or you get excited about buzzy new original shows, there’s something to look forward to next month.

Disney+ has a few titles worth marking the calendar for in May. The month will kick off with the finale of Moon Knight, the acclaimed new Marvel series, on May 4th. Later in the month, the new Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers movie will debut exclusively on the service, followed by the premiere of the highly anticipated Star Wars series Obi-Wan Kenobi.

May 27th might be the single biggest day for streaming we’ve seen in quite a long time. The first two episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi debut on Disney+, while the first half of Stranger Things Season 4 are released on Netflix. Two of the most talked-about new shows of the entire year are arriving on the same day.

You can check out the full May streaming calendar below!

May 1


3 Ninjas: Kick Back
A River Runs Through It
Are You the One?: Season 6
Blippi Wonders: Season 1
Corpse Bride
Crazy, Stupid, Love.
Den of Thieves
Dirty Harry
Empire State
Forrest Gump
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
Hello, My Name Is Doris
Jackass: The Movie
Jackass 2.5
Jackass 3.5
John Q
Menace II Society
Once Upon a Time in America
Rambo: Last Blood
Road to Perdition
Seven Years in Tibet
Soul Surfer
The Gentlemen
The Lake House
U.S. Marshals (1998)
War of the Worlds
When Harry Met Sally
You’ve Got Mail

Yellowface: Asian Whitewashing and Racism in Hollywood
, 2019
47 Ronin, 2013
Assassins, 2020 (HBO)
At Close Range, 1986 (HBO)
An Autumn Afternoon, 1962
The Big Sleep, 1946
Back To School, 1986
Bottle Rocket, 1996
Calladita, 2020 (HBO)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 1968 (HBO)
Child 44, 2015 (HBO)
Chungking Express, 1994
The Color Purple, 1985
Conan The Barbarian, 2011 (HBO)
Devil in A Blue Dress, 1995
Dodes ‘Ka-Den, 1970
Domino, 2019 (HBO)
Downhill, 1927
Dragnet Girl, 1933
Early Spring, 1956
Early Summer, 1951
The End of Summer, 1961
Equinox Flower, 1958
Eraser, 1996
Fallen Angels, 1995
Floating Weeds, 1959
FRIDA, 2002 (HBO)
The Fugitive, 1993
Furry Vengeance, 2010 (HBO)
Gang Related, 1997 (HBO)
Good Morning, 1959
Hard Rain, 1998 (HBO)
Hart’s War, 2002 (HBO)
High and Low, 1963
Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, 2001 (HBO)
Julie, 1956
Killers, 2010 (HBO)
Language Lessons, 2021
Love and Baseball, 2021
The Machine That Kills Bad People, 1952
Masters Of The Universe, 1987 (HBO)
The Missing, 2003 (HBO)
The New Guy, 2002 (HBO)
North Dallas Forty, 1979 (HBO)
Not Easily Broken, 2009
The Perks of Being a Wallflower, 2012
Poseidon, 2006
Red Beard, 1965
Ringo and His Golden Pistol, 1966
Rugrats Go Wild, 2003 (HBO)
Rugrats In Paris: The Movie, 2000 (HBO)
The Rugrats Movie, 1998 (HBO)
The Sapphires, 2012 (HBO)
Sense and Sensibility, 1995
Sliding Doors, 1998
St. Elmo’s Fire, 1985
The Stepford Wives, 2004 (HBO)
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, 2009 (Extended Version)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 1991 (Director’s Cut) (HBO)
Tokyo Twilight, 1957
Top Secret!, 1984 (HBO)
Transporter 3, 2008 (HBO)
Unbroken, 2014
Underworld, 2003
Underworld: Awakening, 2012
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, 2009
Welcome to the Dollhouse, 1995
W.E., 2011 (HBO)
What To Expect When You’re Expecting, 2012 (HBO)
The Wild Thornberrys Movie, 2002 (HBO)
You, Me and Dupree, 2006
Young Adult, 2011 (HBO)
Zathura: A Space Adventure, 2005

THE A-TEAM (2010)
CYRUS (2010)
EASY A (2010)
EQUITY (2016)
GONE (2012)
GRANDMA (2015)
HOT FUZZ (2007)
MO’ MONEY (1992)
ONG BAK (2003)
ONG BAK 2 (2008)
ONG BAK 3 (2010)
OPEN SEASON 2 (2009)
TAKEN (2009)
THE VOW (2012)

13 Going on 30
, 2004
About a Boy, 2002
The American, 2010
American Gangster, 2007
Armageddon, 1998
Assault on Precinct 13, 2005
Bangkok Dangerous, 2008
The Best Man, 1999
The Blues Brothers, 1980
Bride Wars, 2009
Brown Sugar, 2002
Cat’s Eye, 1985
Con Air, 1997
Constantine, 2005
Coyote Ugly, 2000
Creepshow, 1982
Dark Waters, 2019
Die Hard, 1988
Die Hard 2, 1990
Die Hard with a Vengeance, 1995
Disaster Movie, 2008
Dragon: Bruce Lee Story, 1993
Dreamcatcher, 2003
Enemy of the State, 1998
Fast Times at Ridgemont High, 1982
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 1998
Flipper, 1996
Head Over Heels, 2001
Housesitter, 1992
Independence Day, 1996
Intolerable Cruelty, 2003
Jarhead, 2005
Johnson Family Vacation, 2004
The Joy Luck Club, 1993
Just Wright, 2010
The Land Before Time, 1988
Land Before Time: Journey of the Brave, 2016
Land of the Lost, 2009
Last Knights, 2015
Leatherheads, 2008
Little Rascals, 1994
Live Free or Die Hard, 2007
Madagascar, 2005
Man on a Ledge, 2012
Midway, 1976
Milk, 2008
The Namesake, 2006
Needful Things, 1993
The Notebook, 2004
The One, 2001
Out of Sight, 1998
Parenthood, 1989
The Peanut Butter Falcon, 2019
Public Enemies, 2009
Ray, 2004
Red Rock West, 1992
Resident Evil, 2002
Resident Evil: Apocalypse, 2004
Resident Evil: Extinction, 2007
Resident Evil: Afterlife, 2010
Resident Evil: Retribution, 2012
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, 2017
Rumble Fish, 1983
The Rundown, 2003
Schindler’s List, 1993
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, 2010
Shrek, 2001
Shrek 2, 2004
Sicario, 2015
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, 2003
Slap Shot, 1977
Smokey and the Bandit, 1977
Smokey and the Bandit II, 1980
Snatch, 2000
Sweet Home Alabama, 2002
The Talented Mr. Ripley, 1999
Tombstone, 1993
The Transporter, 2002
Twilight, 2008
The Twilight Saga: New Moon, 2009
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, 2010
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1, 2011
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2, 2012
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, 2007
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, 2005
Woody Woodpecker, 2018
Hatfields and McCoys, Season 1
IMSA Hyundai Monterey SportsCar Championship
IMSA Laguna Seca – Porche Carrera Cup
IMSA Laguna Seca – Lamborghini Super Trofeo
IndyCar Series #4 Barber
Indy Lights – Barber
Premier League – Tottenham v. Leicester City
Premier League – Everton v. Chelsea
Premier League – West Ham United v. Arsenal
Premiership Rugby: London Irish v. Wasps
USFL – NJ Generals v. Philadelphia Stars

Independence Day
Tombstone (1993)
Open Range (2003)
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)
The Guardian (2006)
Office Space (1999)
Enemy Of The State (1998)
Taken (2008)
Dude, Where’s My Car? (2000)
Hitman (2007)
Red Tails (2012)
Sideways (2021)
Tooth Fairy 2 (2012)
Courage Under Fire (1996)
Pearl Harbor (2001)
Fat Albert (2004)
Lucky Number Slevin (2006)
The Angriest Man In Brooklyn (2014)
Tangerine (2015)
Europa Report (2013)
Blackfish (2013)
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989)
Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey (1991)
Fargo (1996)
Valley Girl (1983)
The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999)
Platoon (1986)
The Woods (2006)
Bad Influence (1990)
The Namesake (2007)
Crank (2006)
Mamma Mia! (2008)
Shrek (2001)
Shrek 2 (2004)
Battleship (2012)
Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (2008)
Don’t Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood (1996)
Field Of Dreams (1989)
Road To Perdition (2002)
Eye For An Eye (1996)
Zero Dark Thirty (2013)
A League Of Their Own (1992)
The Ugly Truth (2009)
Blue Clues S1 (1999)


May 2

Octonauts: Above & Beyond

: Season 3 Premiere
Daytime Divas: Complete Series

Premier League – Manchester United v. Brentford
Saw 2, 2005
Saw 3, 2006
Saw 4, 2007
Saw 5, 2008
Saw 6, 2009
Saw 3D, 2010
The Weakest Link, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)

50 First Dates

(500) Days of Summer
A Chorus Line
A Thousand Words
Black Dynamite
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Days Of Heaven
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Footloose (1984)
Galaxy Quest
Grosse Pointe Blank
Groundhog Day
Head of State
Little Fauss and Big Halsy
Love Story
Marathon Man
Mean Girls
Mission: Impossible
Mission: Impossible II
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol
Mr. Mom
Paint Your Wagon
Paper Moon
Pootie Tang
Raising Arizona
Road to Perdition
Saving Private Ryan
Scary Movie
Scary Movie 2
Shakespeare in Love
Short Circuit
Sidewalks Of New York
Sleepy Hollow
Star Trek
Steel Magnolias
Tank Girl
The Addams Family
The Color of Money
The Dogs of War
The Fifth Element
The Fighter
The Great Gatsby
The Longest Yard
The Mechanic
The Odd Couple
The Poseidon Adventure
The Professional
True Confessions
War of the Worlds
Yours, Mine, & Ours


May 3

Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive

American Song Contest
, Season 1, New Episode (NBC)
The Endgame, Season 1, New Episode (NBC)
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)

Never Seen Again


May 4

40 Years Young
The Circle: Season 4 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
El marginal: Season 5 — NETFLIX SERIES
Meltdown: Three Mile Island — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
Summertime: Season 3 — NETFLIX SERIES

Life Below Zero
Disney Gallery: The Book of Boba Fett – Premiere
Moon Knight – Finale

The Chase
: Season 3 Premiere
Holey Moley: Fore-Ever: Season 4 Premiere
Who Do You Believe?: Series Premeire
Real Housewives of New York City: Complete Season 13

Late Night with Seth Meyers
, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)


May 5

Blood Sisters
The Pentaverate — NETFLIX SERIES
Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go: Season 1

Las Bravas F.C.
, Max Original Season 1 Premiere
Queen Stars Brazil, Max Original Season 1 Premiere
The Staircase, Max Original Limited Series Premiere

Dragons: The Nine Realms
: Complete Season 2

Below Deck Down Under
, Season 1, Episode 10 (Peacock Original)
Dale Jr. Download, Season 5, Episode 8
Dragons: The Nine Realms, Season 2
Firestarter, 1984
Girls5eva, Season 2, Episodes 1-3 (Peacock Original)
Halloween II, 1981
Halloween III: Season of the Witch, 1982
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
They Live, 1988
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Village of the Damned, 1995

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds


May 6

Along for the Ride
Marmaduke — NETFLIX FILM
The Sound of Magic — NETFLIX SERIES
The Takedown — NETFLIX FILM
Welcome to Eden — NETFLIX SERIES

Dear Evan Hansen
, 2021 (HBO)
Entre Nos: Carmen and Alfred (HBO)
La Afinadora De Árboles, 2019 (HBO)


The Amber Ruffin Show
, Season 2B, New Episode (Peacock Original)
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order: Organized Crime, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order: SVU, Season 23, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order, Season 21, New Episode (NBC)
Million Dollar Listing NY, Season 9
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)

The Wilds
S2 (2022)
The Unsolved Murder of Beverly Lynn Smith S1 (2022)


May 7

We Baby Bears
, Season 1 Part C

2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN World Championship
The Blacklist, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Dateline, Season 31, New Episode (NBC)
Kentucky Derby
Premier League – Burnley v. Aston Villa
Premier League – Brentford v. Southampton
Premier League – Crystal Palace v. Watford
Premier League – Chelsea v. Wolverhampton
Premier League – Brighton v. Manchester United
Premier League – Liverpool v. Tottenham
Saturday Night Live, Season 47, Episode 18 (NBC)
Supercross – Salt Lake City, UT
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)


May 8

Christina P: Mom Genes

MLB Sunday Leadoff – Chicago White Sox v. Boston Red Sox
Premier League – Leicester City v. Everton
Premier League – Norwich City v. West Ham United
Premier League – Arsenal v. Leeds United
Premier League – Manchester City v. Newcastle
WrestleMania Backlash


May 9

Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Sustainable War

Get Hard
, 2015

: Limited Series Premiere

American Ninja Warrior Women’s Championship Special


May 10

: Season 5
Workin’ Moms: Season 6 — NETFLIX SERIES
42 Days of Darkness — NETFLIX SERIES
Brotherhood: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES
The Circle: Season 4 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
Operation Mincemeat — NETFLIX FILM
The Getaway King — NETFLIX FILM

Catwoman: Hunted
, 2022
The Matrix: Resurrections, 2021 (HBO)
Sesame Street Mecha Builders Season 1 Part A
Robot Chicken Season 11 Part B

: Season 3 Premiere

American Song Contest
, Season 1, New Episode (NBC)
Eurovision Song Contest Semi-Finals Round 1
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
Premier League – Aston Villa v. Liverpool
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)


May 11

Just Like Me
(S1, S2)
Mira, Royal Detective (S2, 10 episodes)
Something Bit Me! (S1)
The Chicken Squad (S1, 5 episodes)
The Wizard of Paws (S2)
Marvel Studios: Assembled – The Making of Moon Knight – Premiere
The Quest – Premiere

Hasta Que La Plata Nos Separe
, Season 1, Episode 1 (Telemundo)
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
La Casa de los Famosos, Season 2, Episode 1 (Telemundo)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
Premier League – Leeds United v. Chelsea
Premier League – Leicester City v. Norwich City
Premier League -Watford v. Everton
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)

The Challenge: All Stars
Season 3 premiere
T@gged (Seasons 1 – 3)


May 12

Savage Beauty — NETFLIX SERIES

, Max Original Season 2 Premiere
Who’s By Your Side, Max Original Season 1 Premiere


Below Deck Down Under
, Season 1, Episode 11 (Peacock Original)
Chicago Fire, Season 10, New Episode (NBC)
Chicago Med, Season 7, New Episode (NBC)
Chicago PD, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Eurovision Song Contest Semi-Finals Round 2
Girls5eva, Season 2, Episode 4 (Peacock Original)
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Premier League – Tottenham v. Arsenal
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)


May 13

Bling Empire
The Life and Movies of Erşan Kuneri — NETFLIX SERIES
The Lincoln Lawyer — NETFLIX SERIES
Senior Year — NETFLIX FILM

– Premiere

Hank Zipzer
, 2014
Old, 2021 (HBO)
Smalls, Season 4

, 2022
IndyCar Indianapolis Practice & Qualifying
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order: Organized Crime, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order: SVU, Season 23, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order, Season 21, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Wanda Diamond League – Doha

The Kids in the Hall
S1 (2022)


May 14


The Blacklist
, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Dateline, Season 31, New Episode (NBC)
Eurovision Song Contest Finals
IndyCar Indianapolis Final Warmup, Indy Lights & IndyCar Grand Prix
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
National Collegiate Championship Rugby 7s
Saturday Night Live, Season 47, Episode 19 (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
US Equestrian Championships


May 15

PJ Masks
: Season 4

The Time Traveler’s Wife
, Drama Series Premiere (HBO)

Conversations with Friends
: Complete Limited Series
Catfish: The TV Show: Complete Season 8E

Billboard Music Awards 2022
IMSA Mid-Ohio Sports Car Challenge
MLB Sunday Leadoff – San Diego Padres v. Atlanta Braves
National Collegiate Championship Rugby 7s
Premier League – Tottenham v. Burnley
Premier League – Aston Villa v. Crystal Palace
Premier League – Leeds United v. Brighton
Premier League – Wolverhampton v. Norwich City
Premier League – Watford v. Leicester City
Premier League – West Ham United v. Manchester City

Joe Pickett


May 16

Blippi’s Adventures

Servant of the People: Season 2-3
Vampire in the Garden — NETFLIX ANIME

Queen Sugar
: Complete Season 6

Diamond Hands: The Legend of Wall Street Bets
, 2022 (MSNBC)
Premier League – Newcastle v. Arsenal
The Real Murders of Orange County, Season 1

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance


May 17

The Future Diary

Sesame Street Mecha Builders
, Season 1 Part B
The Mule, 2018 (HBO)


Buried in the Backyard
, Season 4 (Oxygen)
Indianapolis 500 Practice
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)


May 18

The Circle
: Season 4 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
Cyber Hell: Exposing an Internet Horror — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
Love on the Spectrum U.S. — NETFLIX SERIES
The Perfect Family — NETFLIX FILM
Who Killed Sara?: Season 3 — NETFLIX SERIES

Alice’s Wonderland Bakery
(S1, 5 episodes)
I Cavalieri Di Castelcorvo (S1)
Secrets Of The Zoo (S5)

: Complete Series
Helix: Complete Series

, Season 7
Hasta Que La Plata Nos Separe, Season 1, Episode 2 (Telemundo)
Indianapolis 500 Practice
La Casa de los Famosos, Season 2, Episode 2 (Telemundo)
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Mr. Mayor, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
New Amsterdam, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)
This is Us, Season 6, New Episode (NBC)
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Young Rock, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)

Lovestruck High


May 19

A Perfect Pairing
The Boss Baby: Back in the Crib — NETFLIX FAMILY
The G Word with Adam Conover — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
Insiders: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
The Photographer: Murder in Pinamar — NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
Rodrigo Sant’Anna: I’ve Arrived — NETFLIX COMEDY

The Deep End
: Series Premiere
So You Think You Can Dance: Season 17 Premiere

, Limited Series, Episodes 1-5 (Peacock Original)
Below Deck Down Under, Season 1, Episode 12 (Peacock Original)
Chicago Fire, Season 10, New Episode (NBC)
Chicago Med, Season 7, New Episode (NBC)
Chicago PD, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Dragons Rescue Riders: Heroes of the Sky, Season 3, Episodes 1-6 (Peacock Original)
Girls5eva, Season 2, Episode 5 (Peacock Original)
Indianapolis 500 Practice
Late Night with Seth Meyers, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Premier League – Everton v. Crystal Palace
Premier League – Aston Villa v. Burnley
Premier League – Chelsea v. Leicester City
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)

Bang Bang Baby
S1, Part 2 (2022)


May 20

Ben Is Back
F*ck Love Too — NETFLIX FILM
Jackass 4.5
Love, Death & Robots: Volume 3 — NETFLIX SERIES
Wrong Side of the Tracks — NETFLIX SERIES

Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers – Premiere

Identidad Tomada
, 2020 (HBO)


HSBC World Rugby Toulouse Men/Women
Indianapolis 500 Practice
Law & Order: Organized Crime, Season 2, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order: SVU, Season 23, New Episode (NBC)
Law & Order, Season 21, New Episode (NBC)
Magnolia Bloom, 2022
The Other Side, 2022
Premiership Rugby – Bristol Bears v. Exeter Chiefs
Premiership Rugby – Wasps v. Sale Sharks
Sorry for the Inconvenience, 2022

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars
Season 7 premieres
RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Untucked Season 4 premieres

Night Sky
LOL: Si te ríes, pierdes (2022)


May 21

The Blacklist
, Season 9, New Episode (NBC)
Indianapolis 500 Practice & Qualifying
Preakness Stakes
Premiership Rugby – Bath Rugby v. London Irish
Premiership Rugby – Harlequins v. Gloucester Rugby
Premiership Rugby – Newcastle Falcons v. Leicester Tigers
Premiership Rugby – Saracens v. Northampton Saints
Saturday Night Live, Season 47, Episode 21 (NBC)
Track and Field: Wanda Diamond League – Birmingham
USFL – Michigan Panthers v. Birmingham Stallions
The Wall, Season 4, New Episode (NBC)


May 22

: New Episodes

Fast Foodies
, Season 2

, Season 31, New Episode (NBC)
French Open – First Round
Indianapolis 500 Practice & Qualifying
MLB Sunday Leadoff – St. Louis Cardinals v. Pittsburgh Pirates


May 23

Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045
: Season 2 — NETFLIX ANIME

Teen Titans Go!
Season 7 Part B

: Complete Series
My Hero Academia: Complete Season 5 (DUBBED)

Indianapolis 500 Practice
Love Match Atlanta, Season 1, Episode 3 (Bravo)


May 24

Beat Shazam
: Season 5 Premiere
Don’t Forget the Lyrics: Series Premiere

Sins of the Amish
, Episodes 1-2 (Peacock Original)


May 25

The Circle
: Season 4 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
Larva Pendant — NETFLIX FILM
Somebody Feed Phil: Season 5 — NETFLIX SERIES

Hasta Que La Plata Nos Separe
, Season 1, Episode 3 (Telemundo)
La Casa de los Famosos, Season 2, Episode 3 (Telemundo)

Santiago of the Seas
(Season 1)


May 26

: Season 2 — NETFLIX SERIES (new episodes weekly)
My Little Pony: Make Your Mark — NETFLIX FAMILY
Pokémon Master Journeys: The Series: Part 3 — NETFLIX FAMILY


That Damn Michael Che, Max Original Season 2 Premiere
Tig n’ Seek, Max Original Season 4 Premiere

The Great American Tag Sale with Martha Stewart: Series Premiere
Masterchef: Season 12 Premiere

Below Deck Down Under
, Season 1, Episode 13 (Peacock Original)
Girls5eva, Season 2, Episode 6 (Peacock Original)


May 27

Stranger Things 4

Bad Boys

D. Wade: Life Unexpected
Hubble’s Cosmic Journey
Mission Pluto
Obi-Wan Kenobi – 2-Episode Premiere
We Feed People – Premiere

Blippi Special

Blippi Visits
Blippi Wonders
Blippi: Learn With Blippi
Ghost, Season 1
Ghost, Season 2
Stath Lets Flats

: Series Premiere

2020 U.S. Women’s Open, 2020
Celebrating the U.S. Open, 2020
Golf’s Greatest Rounds, Season 1
Indianapolis 500 Final Practice
My U.S. Open, 2020
U.S. Open, 2018
U.S. Open Golf Highlights, 1995
U.S. Women’s Open Decade, 2020
U.S. Women’s Open Flyovers, 2020
U.S. Women’s Open History Makers, 2020
U.S. Women’s Open Documentary, 2019
U.S. Women’s Open Classic Finishes, 2020
U.S. Women’s Open Golf Highlight Films, 2020

Kick Like Tayla (2022)


May 28

French Open – Round 3 or 4
HSBC World Rugby London Men’s
Prefontaine Classic
Senior PGA Championship


May 29

The Misery Index
Season 3 Part B, 2021

Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba: Entertainment District Arc
: Complete Season 1 (DUBBED)

MLB Sunday Leadoff – San Francisco Giants v. Cincinnati Reds
Senior PGA Championship


May 30

Mighty Little Bheem: I Love Taj Mahal

Spring Awakening: Those You’ve Know
, Documentary Premiere (HBO)

French Open – Round 4


May 31

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
: Season 1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Season 1

Miami Vice
, 2006 (Extended Version)

: Complete Limited Series

American Ninja Warrior All Star Spectacular Special
Final Moments, Season 1 (Oxygen)
Señora Acero, Seasons 1-5


We want to say thanks to the author of this write-up for this awesome material

Everything Coming to Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max & Other Major Streaming Services in May 2022

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1651203236) } [5]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(101) "Wyzwanie 3 Steps To Summer – jadłospis na 1. tydzień – Anna Lewandowska – healthy plan by Ann" ["link"]=> string(127) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/lifestyle/wyzwanie-3-steps-to-summer-jadlospis-na-1-tydzien-anna-lewandowska-healthy-plan-by-ann/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(10) "Holly June" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Fri, 29 Apr 2022 02:51:58 +0000" ["category"]=> string(75) "LifestyleAnnAnnahealthyjadłospisLewandowskaplanstepsSummertydzieńWyzwanie" ["guid"]=> string(39) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/?p=119897" ["description"]=> string(765) "Jak Wasze przygotowania do majowego wyzwania Three Steps To Summer? Mam nadzieję, że nie możecie się go doczekać tak jak ja! Maj to piękny miesiąc, kiedy przyroda w pełni budzi się do życia, a wraz z nią — nasza energia do działania. Zaczynamy już w niedzielę! 🙂    Czas na działanie  Co dla Was przygotowałam? ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(6909) "

Jak Wasze przygotowania do majowego wyzwania Three Steps To Summer? Mam nadzieję, że nie możecie się go doczekać tak jak ja! Maj to piękny miesiąc, kiedy przyroda w pełni budzi się do życia, a wraz z nią — nasza energia do działania. Zaczynamy już w niedzielę! 🙂 


Czas na działanie 

Co dla Was przygotowałam? W aplikacji Diet and Training by Ann (TUTAJ) znajdziecie już wkrótce specjalny program treningowy, dedykowany oczywiście naszemu wyzwaniu. Oprócz tego nie może zabraknąć motywacji, przydatnej wiedzy, wyciszenia (bo przecież każdy z nas potrzebuje czasem chwili wytchnienia tylko dla siebie) i jadłospisów (o nich więcej informacji znajdziecie poniżej). Dieta, trening i balans to trzy elementy, które pozwalają zachować zdrowy styl życia i wewnętrzną równowagę, dlatego podczas wyzwania zadbamy o każdy z nich. Pamiętajcie, że cały czas możecie się zapisywać do wzięcia udziału w wyzwaniu TUTAJ — do czego gorąco Was zachęcam, bo dla zapisanych Uczestników przewidujemy miłe niespodzianki 😉


Znajdź dietę dostosowaną do indywidualnych potrzeb

Wiele razy pytacie mnie, jaki rodzaj diety wybrać, rozpoczynając swoją przygodę z aplikacją Diet & Training by Ann. Czy istnieje jedna odpowiedź? Oczywiście, że nie. Każdy organizm jest inny, ma indywidualne potrzeby. Między innymi z tego powodu oferuję Wam wybór różnych rodzajów diet w mojej aplikacji: klasyczną (na 3 różnych poziomach), wegetariańską, dietę SMART (obejmującą 3 posiłki w ciągu dnia), a także dietę Low IG. 

Proponuję Wam, by czas wyzwania był okresem na wypróbowanie różnych jadłospisów:

  • PIERWSZY TYDZIEŃ (1-7 maja): dieta SMART oparta na 3 posiłkach, która jest świetnym rozwiązaniem jeśli stosujecie Intermittent Fasting (IF);
  • DRUGI TYDZIEŃ (8-14 maja): dieta klasyczna na I poziomie;
  • TRZECI TYDZIEŃ (15-21 maja): dieta Low IG bazująca na produktach o niskim indeksie glikemicznym.

Sprawdzicie, który rodzaj diety odpowiada Wam najbardziej.


Przez cały okres naszego wyzwania w aplikacji znajdziecie jadłospisy specjalne na wymianę oznaczone ikonką “hantla”. Wystarczy, że:

  • wejdziecie w zakładkę Dieta,
  • zejdziecie na sam dół i wybierzecie opcję Wymień dzień,
  • z listy dostępnych jadłospisów na wymianę wybierzecie specjalny jadłospis dedykowany wyzwaniu — ze wspomnianą ikoną hantla. 



Jadłospis na pierwszy tydzień wyzwania 

Pamiętajcie, że aby widoczne były u Was jadłospisy specjalne, w każdym tygodniu niezbędna będzie zmiana rodzaju diety! Zrobicie to bardzo łatwo, przechodząc do „Ustawień diety” i wybierając rodzaj diety odpowiadający danemu tygodniowi (w pierwszym — SMART, w drugim — klasyczna na poziomie I, a w trzecim — Low IG). Później wystarczy, że wymienicie jadłospis na oznaczony ikonką hantla.


Spis posiłków na pierwszy tydzień wyzwania z diety SMART znajdziecie TUTAJ. Zapowiada się pysznie, prawda? 🙂


Jeśli na co dzień korzystacie z danego rodzaju diety (np. z diety SMART i nie musicie zmieniać ustawień w pierwszym tygodniu wyzwania) lub dokonacie zmiany rodzaju i na Waszym koncie pojawi się plan żywieniowy, możliwe, że Wasz jadłospis będzie się pokrywał z wyzwaniowym (oznaczonym ikonką hantla) — nie powinniście się niepokoić. W takiej sytuacji nie musicie po prostu dokonywać wymiany 🙂

Przypomnę, że w aplikacji możecie korzystać z opcji wymiany składników i całych dań (jeśli nie lubicie danego produktu, wystarczy wybrać inny z dostępnej listy zamienników) oraz listy zakupów — wystarczy zaznaczyć interesujący Was zakres dat, a potem udać się z gotową listą do sklepu. Zachęcam Was, aby zapoznać się z jadłospisem kilka dni wcześniej i przygotować wszystkie niezbędne składniki. A jeśli któreś z dań z wyzwania szczególnie przypadnie Wam do gustu, nie zapomnijcie dodać go do ulubionych posiłków!


Dla wielu osób najtrudniejsze jest zmotywowanie się do zmian i ułożenie skutecznego planu działania. Cały czas pokazujecie mi, że wyzwania są Wam potrzebne, z czego ogromnie się cieszę i mam nadzieję, że i tym razem będziecie ze mną. Jestem przekonana, że nie będziecie żałować.

Three Steps To Summer już w niedzielę! 🙂

We would love to thank the author of this post for this remarkable material

Wyzwanie 3 Steps To Summer – jadłospis na 1. tydzień – Anna Lewandowska – healthy plan by Ann

" } ["summary"]=> string(765) "Jak Wasze przygotowania do majowego wyzwania Three Steps To Summer? Mam nadzieję, że nie możecie się go doczekać tak jak ja! Maj to piękny miesiąc, kiedy przyroda w pełni budzi się do życia, a wraz z nią — nasza energia do działania. Zaczynamy już w niedzielę! 🙂    Czas na działanie  Co dla Was przygotowałam? ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(6909) "

Jak Wasze przygotowania do majowego wyzwania Three Steps To Summer? Mam nadzieję, że nie możecie się go doczekać tak jak ja! Maj to piękny miesiąc, kiedy przyroda w pełni budzi się do życia, a wraz z nią — nasza energia do działania. Zaczynamy już w niedzielę! 🙂 


Czas na działanie 

Co dla Was przygotowałam? W aplikacji Diet and Training by Ann (TUTAJ) znajdziecie już wkrótce specjalny program treningowy, dedykowany oczywiście naszemu wyzwaniu. Oprócz tego nie może zabraknąć motywacji, przydatnej wiedzy, wyciszenia (bo przecież każdy z nas potrzebuje czasem chwili wytchnienia tylko dla siebie) i jadłospisów (o nich więcej informacji znajdziecie poniżej). Dieta, trening i balans to trzy elementy, które pozwalają zachować zdrowy styl życia i wewnętrzną równowagę, dlatego podczas wyzwania zadbamy o każdy z nich. Pamiętajcie, że cały czas możecie się zapisywać do wzięcia udziału w wyzwaniu TUTAJ — do czego gorąco Was zachęcam, bo dla zapisanych Uczestników przewidujemy miłe niespodzianki 😉


Znajdź dietę dostosowaną do indywidualnych potrzeb

Wiele razy pytacie mnie, jaki rodzaj diety wybrać, rozpoczynając swoją przygodę z aplikacją Diet & Training by Ann. Czy istnieje jedna odpowiedź? Oczywiście, że nie. Każdy organizm jest inny, ma indywidualne potrzeby. Między innymi z tego powodu oferuję Wam wybór różnych rodzajów diet w mojej aplikacji: klasyczną (na 3 różnych poziomach), wegetariańską, dietę SMART (obejmującą 3 posiłki w ciągu dnia), a także dietę Low IG. 

Proponuję Wam, by czas wyzwania był okresem na wypróbowanie różnych jadłospisów:

  • PIERWSZY TYDZIEŃ (1-7 maja): dieta SMART oparta na 3 posiłkach, która jest świetnym rozwiązaniem jeśli stosujecie Intermittent Fasting (IF);
  • DRUGI TYDZIEŃ (8-14 maja): dieta klasyczna na I poziomie;
  • TRZECI TYDZIEŃ (15-21 maja): dieta Low IG bazująca na produktach o niskim indeksie glikemicznym.

Sprawdzicie, który rodzaj diety odpowiada Wam najbardziej.


Przez cały okres naszego wyzwania w aplikacji znajdziecie jadłospisy specjalne na wymianę oznaczone ikonką “hantla”. Wystarczy, że:

  • wejdziecie w zakładkę Dieta,
  • zejdziecie na sam dół i wybierzecie opcję Wymień dzień,
  • z listy dostępnych jadłospisów na wymianę wybierzecie specjalny jadłospis dedykowany wyzwaniu — ze wspomnianą ikoną hantla. 



Jadłospis na pierwszy tydzień wyzwania 

Pamiętajcie, że aby widoczne były u Was jadłospisy specjalne, w każdym tygodniu niezbędna będzie zmiana rodzaju diety! Zrobicie to bardzo łatwo, przechodząc do „Ustawień diety” i wybierając rodzaj diety odpowiadający danemu tygodniowi (w pierwszym — SMART, w drugim — klasyczna na poziomie I, a w trzecim — Low IG). Później wystarczy, że wymienicie jadłospis na oznaczony ikonką hantla.


Spis posiłków na pierwszy tydzień wyzwania z diety SMART znajdziecie TUTAJ. Zapowiada się pysznie, prawda? 🙂


Jeśli na co dzień korzystacie z danego rodzaju diety (np. z diety SMART i nie musicie zmieniać ustawień w pierwszym tygodniu wyzwania) lub dokonacie zmiany rodzaju i na Waszym koncie pojawi się plan żywieniowy, możliwe, że Wasz jadłospis będzie się pokrywał z wyzwaniowym (oznaczonym ikonką hantla) — nie powinniście się niepokoić. W takiej sytuacji nie musicie po prostu dokonywać wymiany 🙂

Przypomnę, że w aplikacji możecie korzystać z opcji wymiany składników i całych dań (jeśli nie lubicie danego produktu, wystarczy wybrać inny z dostępnej listy zamienników) oraz listy zakupów — wystarczy zaznaczyć interesujący Was zakres dat, a potem udać się z gotową listą do sklepu. Zachęcam Was, aby zapoznać się z jadłospisem kilka dni wcześniej i przygotować wszystkie niezbędne składniki. A jeśli któreś z dań z wyzwania szczególnie przypadnie Wam do gustu, nie zapomnijcie dodać go do ulubionych posiłków!


Dla wielu osób najtrudniejsze jest zmotywowanie się do zmian i ułożenie skutecznego planu działania. Cały czas pokazujecie mi, że wyzwania są Wam potrzebne, z czego ogromnie się cieszę i mam nadzieję, że i tym razem będziecie ze mną. Jestem przekonana, że nie będziecie żałować.

Three Steps To Summer już w niedzielę! 🙂

We would love to thank the author of this post for this remarkable material

Wyzwanie 3 Steps To Summer – jadłospis na 1. tydzień – Anna Lewandowska – healthy plan by Ann

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1651200718) } [6]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(107) "Before Singing ‘All For Us’ From ‘Euphoria,’ Zendaya Sang 1 ‘Finding Neverland The Album’ Track" ["link"]=> string(132) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/movie-actors/before-singing-all-for-us-from-euphoria-zendaya-sang-1-finding-neverland-the-album-track/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(9) "Jet Tyler" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Fri, 29 Apr 2022 02:48:57 +0000" ["category"]=> string(64) "Movie ActorsalbumEuphoriaFindingNeverlandsangSingingtrackZendaya" ["guid"]=> string(39) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/?p=119891" ["description"]=> string(842) "Zendaya sang for The Greatest Showman, Euphoria, and even Disney Channel’s Shake It Up. She also appeared on the official soundtrack for the musical Finding Neverland, performing the song “Neverland” and starring in its corresponding music video.  Here’s what she said about her experience with Gary Barlow’s project.  Zendaya is featured on ‘Finding Neverland The ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(6334) "

Zendaya sang for The Greatest Showman, Euphoria, and even Disney Channel’s Shake It Up. She also appeared on the official soundtrack for the musical Finding Neverland, performing the song “Neverland” and starring in its corresponding music video. 

Here’s what she said about her experience with Gary Barlow’s project. 

We wish to thank the writer of this short article for this outstanding web content

Before Singing ‘All For Us’ From ‘Euphoria,’ Zendaya Sang 1 ‘Finding Neverland The Album’ Track

" } ["summary"]=> string(842) "Zendaya sang for The Greatest Showman, Euphoria, and even Disney Channel’s Shake It Up. She also appeared on the official soundtrack for the musical Finding Neverland, performing the song “Neverland” and starring in its corresponding music video.  Here’s what she said about her experience with Gary Barlow’s project.  Zendaya is featured on ‘Finding Neverland The ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(6334) "

Zendaya sang for The Greatest Showman, Euphoria, and even Disney Channel’s Shake It Up. She also appeared on the official soundtrack for the musical Finding Neverland, performing the song “Neverland” and starring in its corresponding music video. 

Here’s what she said about her experience with Gary Barlow’s project. 

We wish to thank the writer of this short article for this outstanding web content

Before Singing ‘All For Us’ From ‘Euphoria,’ Zendaya Sang 1 ‘Finding Neverland The Album’ Track

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1651200537) } [7]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(230) "“অনুষ্কাকে ডির্ভোস দিলেই ফর্মে ফিরবেন বিরাট”, ভাইরাল বলি অভিনেতার ‘নিম্নরুচির’ মশকরা" ["link"]=> string(229) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/movies/%e0%a6%85%e0%a6%a8%e0%a7%81%e0%a6%b7%e0%a7%8d%e0%a6%95%e0%a6%be%e0%a6%95%e0%a7%87-%e0%a6%a1%e0%a6%bf%e0%a6%b0%e0%a7%8d%e0%a6%ad%e0%a7%8b%e0%a6%b8-%e0%a6%a6%e0%a6%bf%e0%a6%b2%e0%a7%87%e0%a6%87/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(10) "Lance Kind" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Fri, 29 Apr 2022 02:33:20 +0000" ["category"]=> string(135) "Moviesঅনষককঅভনতরডরভসদলইনমনরচরফরবনফরমবরটবলভইরলমশকর" ["guid"]=> string(39) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/?p=119885" ["description"]=> string(1697) "সময়টা একেবারেই ভালো যাচ্ছে না বিরাট কোহলির (Virat Kholi)। অনেকদিন ধরেই তিনি অফ ফর্মে ভুগছিলেন। তাঁর ব্যাটে রানের খরা কিছুতেই কাটতে চাইছিল না। ইতিমধ্যেই IPL টুর্নামেন্টে দু’বার গোল্ডেন ডাকও হয়েছেন। এই পরিস্থিতিতে আগামী টি-২০ সিরিজে ভারতীয় ক্রিকেট দল থেকে বাদ পড়তে পারেন বিরাট কোহলি। বুধবার এই খবরে প্রায় চাঞ্চল্য ছড়িয়ে পড়ে ক্রিকেট মহলে।BIG BREAKING: ভারতীয় ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(7721) "
সময়টা একেবারেই ভালো যাচ্ছে না বিরাট কোহলির (Virat Kholi)। অনেকদিন ধরেই তিনি অফ ফর্মে ভুগছিলেন। তাঁর ব্যাটে রানের খরা কিছুতেই কাটতে চাইছিল না। ইতিমধ্যেই IPL টুর্নামেন্টে দু’বার গোল্ডেন ডাকও হয়েছেন। এই পরিস্থিতিতে আগামী টি-২০ সিরিজে ভারতীয় ক্রিকেট দল থেকে বাদ পড়তে পারেন বিরাট কোহলি। বুধবার এই খবরে প্রায় চাঞ্চল্য ছড়িয়ে পড়ে ক্রিকেট মহলে।

BIG BREAKING: ভারতীয় T-20 দল থেকে Virat Kohli-কে ছেঁটে ফেলার পথে বোর্ড!
এই খবর সামনে আসার পর থেকেই এক চাঞ্চল্যকর মন্তব্য করে বসেন কামাল আর খান। বিরাটের ফর্ম নিয়ে মন্তব্য করতে গিয়ে তীব্র ভাবে অনুষ্কা শর্মাকে আক্রমণ করে বসেন কেআরকে।

eisamayপাশে বসে Anushka Sharma! প্রথমবার IPL দেখতে গিয়েই ভাগ্য খুলল তরুণীর
eisamayঅনুষ্কার গালে দীপিকার চুমু! দুই প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বীর বন্ধুত্ব নিয়ে শুরু চর্চা
টুইটারে কেআরকে (KRK Tweet) লেখেন, ‘বিরাটের জন্য অনুষ্কা অপয়া। বিরাট ফর্মে ফিরতে তখন পারবে যখন অনুষ্কা (Anushka Sharma) ডিভোর্স দেবে’। এমন নক্কারজনক টুইটকে একহাত নিয়েছেন বিরাট-অনুষ্কা ভক্তরা।

eisamay২০২২-এই অনুষ্কার হ্যাট্রিক কামব্যাক! OTT-তে ডেবিউ করবেন নায়িকা
কেআরকে (KRK) এর এই মন্তব্যের পর অনুষ্কার হয়ে ব্যাট ধরেছেন নেটিজেনরাতাঁরা সমবেত ভাবে কামাল আর খানের মন্তব্যকে ট্রোলড করেছেন। কেউ তাঁকে লিখেছেন, ‘একেবারে নির্লজ্জ লোক’, কেই আবার লিখেছেন ‘অত্যন্ত নিম্নরুচির ভাবনা… এতটুকুও মনুষ্যত্ব নেই লোকটার মধ্যে।

প্রসঙ্গত, চলতি IPL-এ এখনও ভালো সময় আসেনি বিরাট কোহলির। তাঁর দল ভালো খেললেও বিরাটের ব্যাট রান করা ভুলে গেছে। গত তিন ম্যাচে বিরাটের রান যথাক্রমে ০, ০, ৯। যা মোটেই ভারতের প্রাক্তন অধিনায়কের থেকে অভিপ্রেত নয়। গত টি-২০ বিশ্বকাপ হারের ক্ষত এখনও টাটকা, নাক কেটেছিল ভারতের। এবার বিশ্বকাপ জয় ছাড়া কিছুই ভাবছেন না বোর্ড। কিন্তু তার আগে চিন্তায় রেখেছে বিরাটের ফর্ম (Virat Kohli Form)। টি-২০ ক্রিকেটে বিরাটের ভবিষ্যত নিয়ে চিন্তাও শুরু করে দিয়েছে বোর্ড।

তবে এই প্রথম না বিরাটের খারাপ ফর্মের জন্য বারবার রোষের মুখে পড়তে হয়েছে অনুষ্কা শর্মাকে।
ইতিমধ্যেই আগামী ছবির ঘোষণাও করে দিয়েছেন তিনি। ঝুলন গোস্বামীর বায়োপিকে অভিনয় করবেন বলে জানা গিয়েছে। ‘চাকদা এক্সপ্রেস’-এ ভারতীয় ফাস্ট বোলার ঝুলন গোস্বামীর ভূমিকায় তাঁকে দেখা যাবে বলে জানা গিয়েছে। আস সেই জন্যই নিজের ডায়েটে বেশ কিছু পরিবর্তন এনেছেন অনুষ্কা শর্মা সম্প্রতি অনুষ্কা শর্মার পান্তা ভাত খাওয়ার ছবি বেশ ভাইরাল হয় নেটপাড়ায়। মা হওয়ার পর বেশ অনেকটা সময় নিয়ে ফিরছেন অভিনয়ে। কারণ অভিনয়ের আগেও তাঁর জীবনের প্রায়োরিটি মেয়ে ভামিকা।

We wish to give thanks to the author of this short article for this outstanding web content

“অনুষ্কাকে ডির্ভোস দিলেই ফর্মে ফিরবেন বিরাট”, ভাইরাল বলি অভিনেতার ‘নিম্নরুচির’ মশকরা

" } ["summary"]=> string(1697) "সময়টা একেবারেই ভালো যাচ্ছে না বিরাট কোহলির (Virat Kholi)। অনেকদিন ধরেই তিনি অফ ফর্মে ভুগছিলেন। তাঁর ব্যাটে রানের খরা কিছুতেই কাটতে চাইছিল না। ইতিমধ্যেই IPL টুর্নামেন্টে দু’বার গোল্ডেন ডাকও হয়েছেন। এই পরিস্থিতিতে আগামী টি-২০ সিরিজে ভারতীয় ক্রিকেট দল থেকে বাদ পড়তে পারেন বিরাট কোহলি। বুধবার এই খবরে প্রায় চাঞ্চল্য ছড়িয়ে পড়ে ক্রিকেট মহলে।BIG BREAKING: ভারতীয় ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(7721) "
সময়টা একেবারেই ভালো যাচ্ছে না বিরাট কোহলির (Virat Kholi)। অনেকদিন ধরেই তিনি অফ ফর্মে ভুগছিলেন। তাঁর ব্যাটে রানের খরা কিছুতেই কাটতে চাইছিল না। ইতিমধ্যেই IPL টুর্নামেন্টে দু’বার গোল্ডেন ডাকও হয়েছেন। এই পরিস্থিতিতে আগামী টি-২০ সিরিজে ভারতীয় ক্রিকেট দল থেকে বাদ পড়তে পারেন বিরাট কোহলি। বুধবার এই খবরে প্রায় চাঞ্চল্য ছড়িয়ে পড়ে ক্রিকেট মহলে।

BIG BREAKING: ভারতীয় T-20 দল থেকে Virat Kohli-কে ছেঁটে ফেলার পথে বোর্ড!
এই খবর সামনে আসার পর থেকেই এক চাঞ্চল্যকর মন্তব্য করে বসেন কামাল আর খান। বিরাটের ফর্ম নিয়ে মন্তব্য করতে গিয়ে তীব্র ভাবে অনুষ্কা শর্মাকে আক্রমণ করে বসেন কেআরকে।

eisamayপাশে বসে Anushka Sharma! প্রথমবার IPL দেখতে গিয়েই ভাগ্য খুলল তরুণীর
eisamayঅনুষ্কার গালে দীপিকার চুমু! দুই প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বীর বন্ধুত্ব নিয়ে শুরু চর্চা
টুইটারে কেআরকে (KRK Tweet) লেখেন, ‘বিরাটের জন্য অনুষ্কা অপয়া। বিরাট ফর্মে ফিরতে তখন পারবে যখন অনুষ্কা (Anushka Sharma) ডিভোর্স দেবে’। এমন নক্কারজনক টুইটকে একহাত নিয়েছেন বিরাট-অনুষ্কা ভক্তরা।

eisamay২০২২-এই অনুষ্কার হ্যাট্রিক কামব্যাক! OTT-তে ডেবিউ করবেন নায়িকা
কেআরকে (KRK) এর এই মন্তব্যের পর অনুষ্কার হয়ে ব্যাট ধরেছেন নেটিজেনরাতাঁরা সমবেত ভাবে কামাল আর খানের মন্তব্যকে ট্রোলড করেছেন। কেউ তাঁকে লিখেছেন, ‘একেবারে নির্লজ্জ লোক’, কেই আবার লিখেছেন ‘অত্যন্ত নিম্নরুচির ভাবনা… এতটুকুও মনুষ্যত্ব নেই লোকটার মধ্যে।

প্রসঙ্গত, চলতি IPL-এ এখনও ভালো সময় আসেনি বিরাট কোহলির। তাঁর দল ভালো খেললেও বিরাটের ব্যাট রান করা ভুলে গেছে। গত তিন ম্যাচে বিরাটের রান যথাক্রমে ০, ০, ৯। যা মোটেই ভারতের প্রাক্তন অধিনায়কের থেকে অভিপ্রেত নয়। গত টি-২০ বিশ্বকাপ হারের ক্ষত এখনও টাটকা, নাক কেটেছিল ভারতের। এবার বিশ্বকাপ জয় ছাড়া কিছুই ভাবছেন না বোর্ড। কিন্তু তার আগে চিন্তায় রেখেছে বিরাটের ফর্ম (Virat Kohli Form)। টি-২০ ক্রিকেটে বিরাটের ভবিষ্যত নিয়ে চিন্তাও শুরু করে দিয়েছে বোর্ড।

তবে এই প্রথম না বিরাটের খারাপ ফর্মের জন্য বারবার রোষের মুখে পড়তে হয়েছে অনুষ্কা শর্মাকে।
ইতিমধ্যেই আগামী ছবির ঘোষণাও করে দিয়েছেন তিনি। ঝুলন গোস্বামীর বায়োপিকে অভিনয় করবেন বলে জানা গিয়েছে। ‘চাকদা এক্সপ্রেস’-এ ভারতীয় ফাস্ট বোলার ঝুলন গোস্বামীর ভূমিকায় তাঁকে দেখা যাবে বলে জানা গিয়েছে। আস সেই জন্যই নিজের ডায়েটে বেশ কিছু পরিবর্তন এনেছেন অনুষ্কা শর্মা সম্প্রতি অনুষ্কা শর্মার পান্তা ভাত খাওয়ার ছবি বেশ ভাইরাল হয় নেটপাড়ায়। মা হওয়ার পর বেশ অনেকটা সময় নিয়ে ফিরছেন অভিনয়ে। কারণ অভিনয়ের আগেও তাঁর জীবনের প্রায়োরিটি মেয়ে ভামিকা।

We wish to give thanks to the author of this short article for this outstanding web content

“অনুষ্কাকে ডির্ভোস দিলেই ফর্মে ফিরবেন বিরাট”, ভাইরাল বলি অভিনেতার ‘নিম্নরুচির’ মশকরা

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1651199600) } [8]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(105) "Kylie Jenner afirma que Tyga alegó que Blac Chyna lo atacó con un cuchillo, escucha la corte – Inicio" ["link"]=> string(146) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/healthandscience/kylie-jenner-afirma-que-tyga-alego-que-blac-chyna-lo-ataco-con-un-cuchillo-escucha-la-corte-inicio/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(10) "Tom Pauler" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Fri, 29 Apr 2022 02:30:13 +0000" ["category"]=> string(86) "Health And ScienceafirmaalegóatacóBlacChynaCortecuchilloescuchaInicioJennerKylieTyga" ["guid"]=> string(39) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/?p=119879" ["description"]=> string(732) "Ads Kylie Jenner afirmó en la corte que su ex novio una vez le mostró una herida desagradable que, según él, fue causada por su ex Blac Chyna cuando ella lo atacó con un cuchillo. La estrella de reality subió al estrado el lunes (25 de abril) para declarar y dijo que Tyga afirmó que ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(4172) "


Kylie Jenner afirmó en la corte que su ex novio una vez le mostró una herida desagradable que, según él, fue causada por su ex Blac Chyna cuando ella lo atacó con un cuchillo.

La estrella de reality subió al estrado el lunes (25 de abril) para declarar y dijo que Tyga afirmó que la modelo lo atacó con un cuchillo.

La magnate de la belleza Kylie le dijo a la corte que su ex Tyga le mostró una cicatriz de seis pulgadas de largo en su brazo que, según él, fue el resultado de que Chyna lo atacó con un cuchillo.

Mientras comparecía en el Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles, Kylie dijo: «Cuando salíamos, me expresó sus problemas con Chyna.

Tyga y Kylie cuando eran pareja (Imagen: Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images para Beats by Dre)

«Me mostró su brazo y dijo que Chyna lo había cortado con un cuchillo».

Ella afirmó: «Él me expresó su abuso de alcohol y drogas.

«Ella [Blac Chyna] pudo haber estado drogado o intoxicado la noche que ella lo cortó».

El hermano de Kylie, Rob Kardashian, luego comenzó a salir con Chyna, y Kylie le dijo a la corte que ella y Tyga fueron a visitarlo para advertirle.

Hablando en la corte, afirmó: «Estaba un poco preocupada por las cosas que había escuchado de Tyga».

Blac Chyna (en la foto) comparte un hijo con Tyga y otro con Rob Kardashian (Imagen: Instagram/blacchyna)

La abogada de Chyna, Lynne Ciani, luego interrogó a Kylie sobre una declaración anterior que había hecho.

En la declaración anterior, afirmó que ella y Tyga visitaron a Rob y «le desearon lo mejor» cuando se enteraron de que estaba saliendo con Chyna.

El abogado Ciani le preguntó a Kylie: «¿Cómo puedes desearle lo mejor a tu hermano cuando estaba con una mujer que supuestamente cortó el brazo de tu novio?».

Kylie respondió: «No recuerdo haber dicho eso».

Tyga estuvo vinculado a Chyna de 2012 a 2014, y la pareja dio la bienvenida a su hijo King, que ahora tiene nueve años, durante ese tiempo.

Kylie (der) afirmó que Tyga (l) alegó que Chyna lo cortó con un cuchillo (Imagen: Jason Kempin/Getty Images)

Luego, el rapero salió con Kylie durante dos años antes de terminar en 2017.

Mientras tanto, Chyna confirmó su romance con el hermano de Kylie, Rob, en 2016 y, después de tres meses de noviazgo, anunciaron que estaban comprometidos y que esperaban su primer hijo juntos.

La relación de Rob y Chyna se describió a través de E! serie de telerrealidad Rob & Chyna.

Después de la llegada de la hija de la pareja, Dream, Rob acudió a las redes sociales para confirmar su separación de Chyna en 2017.

La ruptura significó que la segunda temporada de su reality show se detuviera.

Chyna luego demandó a las Kardashians por supuestamente causar que su programa de telerrealidad terminara, y ella demandó al clan por $ 100 millones (£ 78.6 millones).

El caso judicial determinará si Chyna tiene motivos razonables para recibir un pago por la oportunidad perdida de la segunda temporada de su programa de telerrealidad.

Kim, de 41 años, y Khloe Kardashian, de 37, Kylie y su madre, Kris Jenner, de 66, son los acusados ​​en la demanda.

Para obtener más información sobre las últimas noticias del mundo del espectáculo y la televisión del Daily Star, asegúrese de suscribirse a uno de nuestros boletines aquí.


We wish to give thanks to the writer of this short article for this awesome content

Kylie Jenner afirma que Tyga alegó que Blac Chyna lo atacó con un cuchillo, escucha la corte – Inicio

" } ["summary"]=> string(732) "Ads Kylie Jenner afirmó en la corte que su ex novio una vez le mostró una herida desagradable que, según él, fue causada por su ex Blac Chyna cuando ella lo atacó con un cuchillo. La estrella de reality subió al estrado el lunes (25 de abril) para declarar y dijo que Tyga afirmó que ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(4172) "


Kylie Jenner afirmó en la corte que su ex novio una vez le mostró una herida desagradable que, según él, fue causada por su ex Blac Chyna cuando ella lo atacó con un cuchillo.

La estrella de reality subió al estrado el lunes (25 de abril) para declarar y dijo que Tyga afirmó que la modelo lo atacó con un cuchillo.

La magnate de la belleza Kylie le dijo a la corte que su ex Tyga le mostró una cicatriz de seis pulgadas de largo en su brazo que, según él, fue el resultado de que Chyna lo atacó con un cuchillo.

Mientras comparecía en el Tribunal Superior de Los Ángeles, Kylie dijo: «Cuando salíamos, me expresó sus problemas con Chyna.

Tyga y Kylie cuando eran pareja (Imagen: Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images para Beats by Dre)

«Me mostró su brazo y dijo que Chyna lo había cortado con un cuchillo».

Ella afirmó: «Él me expresó su abuso de alcohol y drogas.

«Ella [Blac Chyna] pudo haber estado drogado o intoxicado la noche que ella lo cortó».

El hermano de Kylie, Rob Kardashian, luego comenzó a salir con Chyna, y Kylie le dijo a la corte que ella y Tyga fueron a visitarlo para advertirle.

Hablando en la corte, afirmó: «Estaba un poco preocupada por las cosas que había escuchado de Tyga».

Blac Chyna (en la foto) comparte un hijo con Tyga y otro con Rob Kardashian (Imagen: Instagram/blacchyna)

La abogada de Chyna, Lynne Ciani, luego interrogó a Kylie sobre una declaración anterior que había hecho.

En la declaración anterior, afirmó que ella y Tyga visitaron a Rob y «le desearon lo mejor» cuando se enteraron de que estaba saliendo con Chyna.

El abogado Ciani le preguntó a Kylie: «¿Cómo puedes desearle lo mejor a tu hermano cuando estaba con una mujer que supuestamente cortó el brazo de tu novio?».

Kylie respondió: «No recuerdo haber dicho eso».

Tyga estuvo vinculado a Chyna de 2012 a 2014, y la pareja dio la bienvenida a su hijo King, que ahora tiene nueve años, durante ese tiempo.

Kylie (der) afirmó que Tyga (l) alegó que Chyna lo cortó con un cuchillo (Imagen: Jason Kempin/Getty Images)

Luego, el rapero salió con Kylie durante dos años antes de terminar en 2017.

Mientras tanto, Chyna confirmó su romance con el hermano de Kylie, Rob, en 2016 y, después de tres meses de noviazgo, anunciaron que estaban comprometidos y que esperaban su primer hijo juntos.

La relación de Rob y Chyna se describió a través de E! serie de telerrealidad Rob & Chyna.

Después de la llegada de la hija de la pareja, Dream, Rob acudió a las redes sociales para confirmar su separación de Chyna en 2017.

La ruptura significó que la segunda temporada de su reality show se detuviera.

Chyna luego demandó a las Kardashians por supuestamente causar que su programa de telerrealidad terminara, y ella demandó al clan por $ 100 millones (£ 78.6 millones).

El caso judicial determinará si Chyna tiene motivos razonables para recibir un pago por la oportunidad perdida de la segunda temporada de su programa de telerrealidad.

Kim, de 41 años, y Khloe Kardashian, de 37, Kylie y su madre, Kris Jenner, de 66, son los acusados ​​en la demanda.

Para obtener más información sobre las últimas noticias del mundo del espectáculo y la televisión del Daily Star, asegúrese de suscribirse a uno de nuestros boletines aquí.


We wish to give thanks to the writer of this short article for this awesome content

Kylie Jenner afirma que Tyga alegó que Blac Chyna lo atacó con un cuchillo, escucha la corte – Inicio

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1651199413) } [9]=> array(11) { ["title"]=> string(84) "Exclusive: In a New York Minute’s Celia Au and Ludi Lin Talk Filming Romance Drama" ["link"]=> string(124) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/movie-actors/exclusive-in-a-new-york-minutes-celia-au-and-ludi-lin-talk-filming-romance-drama/" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(9) "Blue Holt" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Fri, 29 Apr 2022 02:27:49 +0000" ["category"]=> string(67) "Movie ActorsCeliadramaExclusiveFilmingLinLudiminutesromanceTalkYork" ["guid"]=> string(39) "https://bestmovies.movs.world/?p=119873" ["description"]=> string(718) "Our interview is a reunion of sorts for actors Celia Au (Wu Assassins) and Ludi Lin (Mortal Kombat). Although they both star in Ximan “Mandy” Li’s In a New York Minute, Au and Lin really only share one scene together. Set in New York, the romance drama follows the intersecting storylines of three different Asian-American ... Read more" ["content"]=> array(1) { ["encoded"]=> string(12906) "

Our interview is a reunion of sorts for actors Celia Au (Wu Assassins) and Ludi Lin (Mortal Kombat). Although they both star in Ximan “Mandy” Li’s In a New York Minute, Au and Lin really only share one scene together. Set in New York, the romance drama follows the intersecting storylines of three different Asian-American women as they navigate life and love in the big city: Amy (Amy Chang) is a food journalist who, fresh from a break-up, finds herself unable to eat or enjoy food; Angel (Yi Liu) is a budding actress who is unhappily married to an older and wealthy businessman (Erik Lochtefeld); and Nina is a young woman who works as an escort in order to support herself and save enough to finally escape the family that has been unkind towards her. Au leads the film’s third storyline as Nina, while Lin plays David, the young writer with whom Angel has a passionate affair.


“We have a bunch of mutual friends,” says Au of Lin. “I remember when [Ludi and I] first met, we were like, ‘Hey, I’ve heard about you! Nice to finally meet you in person.'” Similarly, Lin recalled immediately “hitting it off” with Au. “We met on this film, and I think there’s something really, really deep in that no matter where we are or where we’re brought up, we share the same fundamental culture, and that comes from our roots.” Indeed, Lin was born in Fuzhou, China before moving to Hong Kong when he was three, whereas Au was born in Hong Kong. What’s more, both emigrated early in their childhood — Lin, to Australia for boarding school and then Vancouver for university; Au, to Brooklyn when she was three-and-a-half.

The immigrant experience is at the forefront of In a New York Minute, with each character navigating the mercurial scale of identity that inherently comes with being an immigrant, no matter where you’re from. “It doesn’t matter if you’re from Italy or Spain, [I think] as long as English isn’t your first language, you will run into the same problems,” Au says of the film’s nuanced depiction of things like language barriers or the struggle to adapt. “So, I kind of think: just because we’re Asian characters, it doesn’t make it an Asian film. It’s pretty universal because of [its] immigrant storyline.”

In a New York Minute Offers Much-Needed Asian Representation

“We see a lot of Asian comedies and Asian action films. There’s not [a lot] of Asian dramas that focus on female characters, their lives, and the struggles they go through,” says Au of, as she puts it, “mainstream” films about Asian characters. Of course, the last handful of years has seen a tremendous push forward by Asian-led movies and TV series in the mainstream in North America. Just last year, Squid Game became one of Netflix’s best original series, and, now, Everything Everywhere All at Once is already looking like one of 2022’s best movies. While the latter does spotlight its women characters, the film is still action-heavy. This isn’t a bad thing, but Au does make a good point about a lack of Asian representation in grounded dramas.

That is perhaps what’s most remarkable about In a New York Minute: it approaches its characters’ lives with a sensitivity that shines Asian and Asian-American characters in a light that isn’t often seen. In fact, the movie immediately brings to mind Lulu Wang’s The Farewell and Wayne Wang’s The Joy Luck Club, weaving through the quotidian existence of belonging to two different cultures and, at the same time, feeling like you don’t belong anywhere at all. “Growing up, you always think that you’re the only one that’s experiencing these things,” says Lin of how his own nomadic history brought with it a set of struggles related to identity. “That’s why the film medium is such a good way to unify people in their experiences and know that you’re not alone.”

Related: Best Movies by Asian-American Directors You Can Stream Right Now

Positive Shifts in the Industry

Historically, Hollywood movies and TV shows often only ever featured one Asian character — if at all — on-screen. As such, older generations of Asian-American actors know all too well the feeling of either playing roles that weren’t culturally specific and that purposefully avoided discussions of race, or being the only Asian person in a room, at best. These are experiences, in fact, that Sandra Oh spoke openly about with Kerry Washington on Variety‘s Actors on Actors special in 2020. At worst, as a study by Geena Davis Institute found (via NBC News), Asian characters were often inserted to serve solely as the punchline of a joke. Fortunately, there’s been recent, positive shifts in the industry, which both Au and Lin can attest to.

“I remember, when I first started in the industry, I was one of the only Asian people on set, [between the] crew and cast,” says Au. “My closest friends right now are people I’ve met on set, and it was like, ‘Oh, you’re Asian, let’s be friends’ [because] there was only a handful of us. In the last five years or so, that dynamic has changed completely changed.” Indeed, back in 2019, Au starred in Netflix’s series Wu Assassins, playing one of the titular assassins, Ying Ying. Just like In a New York Minute, Wu Assassins featured a predominantly Asian and Asian-American cast and crew. “It’s great to feel like [in a space with other Asian people] everyone has an understanding of our culture.”

“I also think that, as much as we’ve made progress in the last few years, there needs to be more exposure,” says Lin of the need to not “sit on our laurels” when it comes to pushing for more (and better) opportunities and representation in the industry. “Where [In a New York Minute] is different from projects like Mortal Kombat, like Wu Assassins, and other studio-backed films, is that Mandy is a first-time director. She’s a new voice. […] It’s time for us to explore new talents.”

In a New York Minute is available on digital on May 3, 2022.

Fast and Furious 10 - Fast X

Fast X: Plot, Cast, and Everything Else We Know About Fast and Furious 10

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About The Author

We would like to say thanks to the writer of this post for this remarkable content

Exclusive: In a New York Minute’s Celia Au and Ludi Lin Talk Filming Romance Drama

" } ["summary"]=> string(718) "Our interview is a reunion of sorts for actors Celia Au (Wu Assassins) and Ludi Lin (Mortal Kombat). Although they both star in Ximan “Mandy” Li’s In a New York Minute, Au and Lin really only share one scene together. Set in New York, the romance drama follows the intersecting storylines of three different Asian-American ... Read more" ["atom_content"]=> string(12906) "

Our interview is a reunion of sorts for actors Celia Au (Wu Assassins) and Ludi Lin (Mortal Kombat). Although they both star in Ximan “Mandy” Li’s In a New York Minute, Au and Lin really only share one scene together. Set in New York, the romance drama follows the intersecting storylines of three different Asian-American women as they navigate life and love in the big city: Amy (Amy Chang) is a food journalist who, fresh from a break-up, finds herself unable to eat or enjoy food; Angel (Yi Liu) is a budding actress who is unhappily married to an older and wealthy businessman (Erik Lochtefeld); and Nina is a young woman who works as an escort in order to support herself and save enough to finally escape the family that has been unkind towards her. Au leads the film’s third storyline as Nina, while Lin plays David, the young writer with whom Angel has a passionate affair.


“We have a bunch of mutual friends,” says Au of Lin. “I remember when [Ludi and I] first met, we were like, ‘Hey, I’ve heard about you! Nice to finally meet you in person.'” Similarly, Lin recalled immediately “hitting it off” with Au. “We met on this film, and I think there’s something really, really deep in that no matter where we are or where we’re brought up, we share the same fundamental culture, and that comes from our roots.” Indeed, Lin was born in Fuzhou, China before moving to Hong Kong when he was three, whereas Au was born in Hong Kong. What’s more, both emigrated early in their childhood — Lin, to Australia for boarding school and then Vancouver for university; Au, to Brooklyn when she was three-and-a-half.

The immigrant experience is at the forefront of In a New York Minute, with each character navigating the mercurial scale of identity that inherently comes with being an immigrant, no matter where you’re from. “It doesn’t matter if you’re from Italy or Spain, [I think] as long as English isn’t your first language, you will run into the same problems,” Au says of the film’s nuanced depiction of things like language barriers or the struggle to adapt. “So, I kind of think: just because we’re Asian characters, it doesn’t make it an Asian film. It’s pretty universal because of [its] immigrant storyline.”

In a New York Minute Offers Much-Needed Asian Representation

“We see a lot of Asian comedies and Asian action films. There’s not [a lot] of Asian dramas that focus on female characters, their lives, and the struggles they go through,” says Au of, as she puts it, “mainstream” films about Asian characters. Of course, the last handful of years has seen a tremendous push forward by Asian-led movies and TV series in the mainstream in North America. Just last year, Squid Game became one of Netflix’s best original series, and, now, Everything Everywhere All at Once is already looking like one of 2022’s best movies. While the latter does spotlight its women characters, the film is still action-heavy. This isn’t a bad thing, but Au does make a good point about a lack of Asian representation in grounded dramas.

That is perhaps what’s most remarkable about In a New York Minute: it approaches its characters’ lives with a sensitivity that shines Asian and Asian-American characters in a light that isn’t often seen. In fact, the movie immediately brings to mind Lulu Wang’s The Farewell and Wayne Wang’s The Joy Luck Club, weaving through the quotidian existence of belonging to two different cultures and, at the same time, feeling like you don’t belong anywhere at all. “Growing up, you always think that you’re the only one that’s experiencing these things,” says Lin of how his own nomadic history brought with it a set of struggles related to identity. “That’s why the film medium is such a good way to unify people in their experiences and know that you’re not alone.”

Related: Best Movies by Asian-American Directors You Can Stream Right Now

Positive Shifts in the Industry

Historically, Hollywood movies and TV shows often only ever featured one Asian character — if at all — on-screen. As such, older generations of Asian-American actors know all too well the feeling of either playing roles that weren’t culturally specific and that purposefully avoided discussions of race, or being the only Asian person in a room, at best. These are experiences, in fact, that Sandra Oh spoke openly about with Kerry Washington on Variety‘s Actors on Actors special in 2020. At worst, as a study by Geena Davis Institute found (via NBC News), Asian characters were often inserted to serve solely as the punchline of a joke. Fortunately, there’s been recent, positive shifts in the industry, which both Au and Lin can attest to.

“I remember, when I first started in the industry, I was one of the only Asian people on set, [between the] crew and cast,” says Au. “My closest friends right now are people I’ve met on set, and it was like, ‘Oh, you’re Asian, let’s be friends’ [because] there was only a handful of us. In the last five years or so, that dynamic has changed completely changed.” Indeed, back in 2019, Au starred in Netflix’s series Wu Assassins, playing one of the titular assassins, Ying Ying. Just like In a New York Minute, Wu Assassins featured a predominantly Asian and Asian-American cast and crew. “It’s great to feel like [in a space with other Asian people] everyone has an understanding of our culture.”

“I also think that, as much as we’ve made progress in the last few years, there needs to be more exposure,” says Lin of the need to not “sit on our laurels” when it comes to pushing for more (and better) opportunities and representation in the industry. “Where [In a New York Minute] is different from projects like Mortal Kombat, like Wu Assassins, and other studio-backed films, is that Mandy is a first-time director. She’s a new voice. […] It’s time for us to explore new talents.”

In a New York Minute is available on digital on May 3, 2022.

Fast and Furious 10 - Fast X

Fast X: Plot, Cast, and Everything Else We Know About Fast and Furious 10

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About The Author

We would like to say thanks to the writer of this post for this remarkable content

Exclusive: In a New York Minute’s Celia Au and Ludi Lin Talk Filming Romance Drama

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